
It can't be one person writing all that. The difference between Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 is too stark, too distinct in prose, it must be some kind of collective. A group, wielding the name like a mask to explore creative projects.
— Klimurn fan
Klimurn is the mononym of a Telziado author and poet. Hailing from an unspecified town in the Telziado midlands, they have been a prolific and sporadic presence in Telziado literature since the Kingdom's founding in 336 AC, with some works dating to the north's time as part of the Vosti Empire. It is widely assumed the name has changed hands a few times in the past century, presumably from parent to child.


The first work attributed to Klimurn is dated to 306 AC, being a single poem in a poetry collection published from the city of Hiwanlis, in what is now the Kingdom of Telziad's midlands. More poems would be published from that city bearing Klimurn's name, but with no further information about the author. The most notable of their pre-Separation works is an elegy that led a collection in 325, speaking mournfully of having raised and buried entire families. Haunting in its prose, sections of the long elegy would become famous during the Vosti Civil War as families fought and died bitterly over the fate of the Vosti Empire.   At war's end in 336, Klimurn would continue to publish works, now branching out in short fiction. As with much foundational Telziado literature, it regularly grappled with the recent conflict and its effects on the community. Of note to future scholars was a fictionalised retelling of the siege of Shalse Koshol, with some details being remarkably accurate to the Telziado reports of the event, and others very close to Vosti sources describing their forces in the siege.   Klimurn's output and renown would grow steadily over the decades, with no concrete details being revealed about the author throughout. On many occasions they would dip into another style of prose, sometimes within a given work, giving rise to theories that multiple people or significant time differences were involved in creating their books.   The most detail about Klimurn to date was included at an event in Hiwanlis marking the century anniversary of their first known work, where between recitals of selected poems and chapters from their work, the curator read a short piece written specifically for the exhibit. In this, Klimurn claims to have long overlooked the Shattered Strait a ways to Hiwanlis' west, and to have fought for Telziado liberty at the famous siege of Robardon in 333 AC. No further personal details were provided, despite multiple questions being asked of the curator.

In a name

The name 'Klimurn' is an usual one. While comprehensible to Vostan speakers and identifiable as a name, it has no agreed meaning. Some suggest it might be inspired by fragments of Telziado language predating the Vosti Conquest of the 600s BC, or that it has taken some inspiration from the Zangsayoi language of the elves. It could also be a corrupted place name or a portmanteau.   Whatever its meaning, it's widely agreed by scholars that it is unlikely to be an unaltered first name or surname.
book burning fire destroy
Burning Book by Movidagrafica

One or All

Given the time span between Klimurn's known works, and with the likelihood that the author was already an adult before the publication of their first surviving work, it is highly unlikely a single person has used this pen name.   Theories abound to justify this time span. The most common is that the original author handed the name down to a child or friend in the 340s, who again passed it on shortly before the next century. Others suggest it is a collection of writers collaborating, with each individual specialising in different styles and having different quirks, which would explain some sections of Klimurn's work seeming 'out of place' in their surroundings.
Open Book Flower
Old Open Book by congerdesign


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