Treaty of Anzer Document in Tiyu Amara | World Anvil

Treaty of Anzer

When our land was parted, we were granted independence from your authority by divine writ. Through the ratification of this treaty our lands are, in a manner, reunited. A bright peace awaits us.
— Yuli Olhahna, President of Skarhu
The Treaty of Anzer was a peace treaty between the Republic of Skarhu and The Vosti Empire, ending a brief period of hostility between the two powers. It primarily concerned itself with officially recognising Skarhu's de facto independence from the Empire, and setting the groundwork for future diplomatic and economic relations.


For most of written history, the continent of Abravost had been a single landmass, and largely under the rulership of the Vosti Empire. This changed with The Collision, which split the continent in two and separated them by tumultuous and volcanic waters. While the east remained under imperial authority and experienced its own strifes, the west was forced to devise new governance, and ultimately became the Republic of Skarhu.   The two countries experienced no contact between them until 142 AC, when an exploratory fleet made landfall in the Wenz Islands just south of the Vosti capital on the mainland. This 're-discovery' was initially quite joyous, signalling the end of over a century of isolation, but soon turned bitter when it became obvious that the Empire did not consider their country's institutions to be valid.   Tensions flared, and at least one naval engagement occured in the strait between the Wenz Islands and the mainland, as well as countless informal encounters between Vosti nobles and visiting Skarhan dignitaries. These would come to an end when the Skarhan president, Yuli Olhahna, arrived in the strait with a large fleet of merchant and war ships. Recognising the vast inferiority of their navy, the Vosti Empire sent its diplomatic representatives, and both parties met for their discussions in the Wenzi town of Anzer.
Treaty, Diplomatic
Authoring Date
143 AC 282 Years Ago
Signatories (Organizations)

Divine Writ

Though confidently stated by the Skarhan diplomats, it is not known whether the Collision which separated Skarhu from Abravost was an act ordained by The Divinities.   Many theories have arisen as to how the event occured, whether it was caused by the Divinity of Change, an accident of The Mother Herself, or from some external force heretofore unknown by mortal powers. The truth is likely to remain a mystery - the gods are loathe to discuss the matter.

Cover image: Old Open Book by congerdesign


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