Word of Ji'ájo

When we were brought together and torn apart, the world was not left whole. It frays at its edges, and with each prod and poke comes closer to unravelling.
— Ji'ájo ses Kkilinkipput
Ji'ájo ses Kkilinkipput, a well-known firebrand from Ffosetásin, has for many years spouted of a prophecy of doom and cosmic destruction. By her account, the Collision and the Separation that have shaped Tiyu Amara in the last 4 centuries will inevitably cause the end of the world.


Ji'ájo is hardly the first to suggest the world will end, but differs from her historical peers in how she believes it will occur. With the divine meddling done to Tiyu Amara through the Collision and Separation, the very fabric of the world was left frail and damaged, damaging the borders between the physical living world and the metaphysical unlife of the Planar Sea.   As a result she posits that the more this border is interacted with, through magic such as Necromancy and Portals, the worse this damage will become. With time, great tears will appear in the world itself, through which nothing is visible but stars and no living creature can survive.   Her solution is simple - outlaw all necromancy, and close all portals, and leave the boundary alone. Thus will doomsday be forestalled, and the gods will mend the world. Continuing to interfere will prevent their aid.
Date of First Recording
29 Return 9 Years ago
Ji'ájo ses Kkilinkipput
Merfolk cover
Merfolk by Nsey Benajah


It is no coincidence that the two practices Ji'ájo advises against to avoid the end of the world are those in the domain of the Wūlséd'ok Merfolk. Experts at necromancy and soul manipulation, and creators of the impress Portal of Siéhl, there are many who fear those who dwell in the sea.   It is, however, well known that the Wūlséd'ok are a good people, whose 'strange' arts are used to aid the humans and elves of Tiyu Amara, such as at the medical centre of Gudibala. Ji'ájo's rhetoric has found little purchase among those who know the merfolk.

Cover image: Fireworks by davidgarry


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Aug 18, 2024 09:53 by Lia Felis

This nice and concise article is well-connected to the history and the inhabitants of your world.

Aspiring fantasy writer and part-time Dungeon Master. Dragon Goddess of Evera.