Big Mama

Kikume Oiwa (a.k.a. Big Mama)

Big Mama is the current owner of the Battle Nexus and a powerful figure in the Yokai Realm.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Big Mama is a shapeshifting Jorogumo, and has two forms she can shift to;


Her humanoid form is beautiful, traditional Japanese woman. She has purple skin and teal hair kept in a shimada style bun. She has large red eyes with golden pupils. She has thick round eyebrows and red markings under her eyes. If she wishes to look even more human, she can change her skin to a peach color, turn her hair black, and have normal eyes. However her cheek markings do not go away, making them a dead giveaway if she does not cover them with makeup.  


Her true form makes her a giant spider with a woman's torso in place of the head. In this form she increases in size and gains a massive spider abdomen and spindly legs that resemble that of a Joro Spider. Her hair becomes looser and messier and seems to move from an invisible wind. Her eyebrows and markings open up to be 2 more pairs of red eyes, and mandibles spill out of her mouth.

Special abilities

Being a Jorogumo, Big Mama has powerful magic at her disposal. Not only can she shapeshift, but she can create powerful poisons with just her saliva.

Apparel & Accessories

Big Mama dresses very traditionally, with all over her clothing an accessories being spider themed. Her kimono is dark purple with a white spiderweb pattern, and her kanzashi are black with eight prongs and red spider eyes, with spider charms dangling from it. Her kimono can change size with her and will stay on no matter what form she takes.

Specialized Equipment

Big Mama carries a wagasa with her at all times. It is purple and painted with spider eyes on the inside. But is also has the ability to teleport her around. The umbrella will swallow her and teleport where ever she choses.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Big Mama was born Oiwa Kikume in a tribe of jorogumo. Like many of her kind she sustained herself by feasting on the energy men that she tricked into loving her. But Kikume was a little more greedy than the others, simply unsatisfied with power she gained from hunters and fishermen, she eventually moved to the city, where she'd use her charm to wriggle her way into the local crime syndicate, where she'd gain enough influence and money to start making predatory deals with the citizens of the Nanohana District. These deals were often designed to fail, leaving people in debt to her, allowing her to feed on their energy, or just eat them if she wanted. She would gain the nickname Big Mama, and become notorious in the region.   Big Mama had many men wrapped around her finger. One of these men was the Daimyo himself. He had fallen in love with the bewitching spider demon and would give her whatever she wanted to make her happy. Treasures, riches, and gifts of all types. One day, she convinced the Daimyo to give her control over the Battle Nexus, the fighting arena that hosted battles between the greatest warriors in the land. But soon, even the Daimyo had nothing left to give but his throne, which he could not give to Big Mama. When he said as much, Big Mama broke things off with him and refused to see him again. This made the Daimyo so distraught, that he was later found dead with a sword plunged into his stomach, forcing his son Lord Daigo to take over.   Lord Daigo wanted nothing to do with Big Mama, but also had little power to take any of his father's gifts from her, so he simply forbade the spider demon from entering the palace, declairing if she ever set foot in the palace again, she would be killed and her treasures returned to the palace.   Since then, Big Mama has been satisfied running the Battle Nexus, which not only made her money, but allowed her to feed on the energy of the warriors and the violent whims of the audience. Big Mama would change the rules of the Battle Nexus dramatically in order to make the fights more tense and exciting. Fights to the death where now allowed and there was no amount of cheating or dirty play that would disqualify a match, so long as it was entertaining. This turned the once honorable Battle Nexus into a bloody, scummy death arena.


Big Mama is in charge of the Battle Nexus. She does all the planning and scouting for fighters as well as acts as the final judge for a fight. She creates the rules for the battles and enforces them how she chooses. She also has her hands in the pockets of some very influential people in the city, which garners her a lot of power.

Morality & Philosophy

Big Mama does whatever she wants and whatever suits her needs above all else. She's not opposed to manipulating people and ruining their lives if it means she gets something out of the deal. She has little empathy for others, and doesn't care who she steps on to get what she wants. All she really cares about is her image and power.

Personality Characteristics


Jorogumo feast on the energy of other living creatures, particularly that spawned from emotions. It doesn't really matter if said emotion is positive or negative, so Big Mama will do whatever gets those emotions out of people the most effectively. Doing so not only feeds her, but makes her more powerful.  


Big Mama comes off as a charming, elegant woman with a bubbly personality. She's always smiling and speaks in an almost sickeningly sweet tone that lowers people's guard so that she can make a deal with them or convince them to do something for her. But underneath it is a manipulative monster. She is very cunning and can read a person easily, and can easily trick people. When Big Mama shows her true colors she can be quite mean and scary, and downright psychotic. She will meet even the slightest transgression against her with threats of mutilation and death, mostly in the form of eating them alive.

Personality Quirks

She tends to make insectoid hissing sounds when she speaks, especially if her mask starts to slip.



Big Mama presents herself as a elegant and beautiful woman. She is often smiling and holding herself in a flirtatious or seductive position. When she speaks it's very smooth and bubbly, but she has an odd speech pattern where she'll sprinkle whimiscal nonce words to make her sentences sound more cute and cheerful, for example, refering to the turtles as 'Turtley Boos".

Wealth & Financial state

Big Mama has amassed herself a large amount of wealth in her long life. Her office alone contains a massive vault overflowing with treasures, many gifted to her or taken as repayment for loans. She's rich enough to offer sizable prizes for her Battle Nexus champions.
Yokai Type
Year of Birth
1800 222 Years old
Red with Golden Pupils
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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