Chishiki Fukurō

Chishiki Fukurō is a powerful kami in charge of the Mystic Library in the Nanohana District.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fukurō appears as a large owl-like beast with the face and coloration of a barn owl. His body is oddly elongated and he has four large bird legs with clawed toes. His back displays massive wings that allow him flight. He also has small dark antlers on his head.

Special abilities

Fukurō can absorb knowledge from the library he resides in without even reading all of the books in them. He is aware of all of the books and the contents inside but them simply being in his presence. He can also read the thoughts and intentions of anyone he looks in the eye.   Despite presenting as male, he does lay eggs, though they only hatch as Catalogs, small living books that behave like birds and can fly around the library, organizing it and guiding patrons to books they are seeking. He's also able to swallow items and hold onto them without digesting them, he can then regurgitate the item contained inside an owl pellet.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Fukurō once maintained a mystic library in a far away land called Nikkou. He was born as soon as it was contructed, manifested by the sheer amount of mystic texts in the library.   During the Yokai War his library was set ablaze along with the city it resided in. Fukurō gathered as many books as he could and then guided the civilians to boats on the harbor so that they may flee the burning city. He flew across the ocean for many days and nights while the villagers followed him, until he found land, where he could finally put down his books. The village would also follow suit, opting to settle in the region that would be later named North Gekkou.   As people settled and built their new home, Fukurō would sleep, guarding his books while a new library was constructed. When the building was finished, Fukurō awoke and began putting the books in their new home. Settlers from the old land would donate as many books as the could, slowly filling the library and returning Fukurō to his former power.   As time went on, the region became more populated and economically stable. The library filled and expanded, becoming the great library it is now.


Fukurō is very calm and serious. While he can speak, he often does not and keeps to himself. He does not care for rule breakers and trouble makers, and will punish them harshly, but he is not a cruel being, and if he sees someone does not have ill intentions, he will treat them with kindness and mercy. Fukurō cares the most about the library and his books, and he does not like when people steal or mistreat the books, nor does he like when people use the books for illicit gain. As such he often locks the most important and valuable books away in the forbidden archives.

Intellectual Characteristics

Despite being a beast, Fukurō is incredibly intelligent and borderline omniscient. This is mostly due to absorbing all the knowledge in his library. He is able to communicate with any person regardless of language as he can read their mind.



Fukurō behaves much like an owl most of the time. He can speak, but when he does his mouth does not move. The voice that comes out however is peaceful and soothing, but also loud and evocative.
Yokai Type
Owl Diety
Current Residence
The Mystic Library
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brown and White
Known Languages
All of them.


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