Haven Prime

Earth, our Earth, and the universe were gone. This one adopted us, but we needed our own home. A refuge for those times when we needed to rest, reflect, and find some peace.
— Lantern John Stewart, Commander of the Green Lantern Corps
The arrival of the Ringbearers from a dying universe shook the galaxy to its core. But none were more shaken than the Ringbearers themselves. Surviving members of the Green Lantern Corps settled into a new role working alongside the United Federation of Planets in this “Kelvin Universe”. Still, it wasn’t home.
It was a problem that needed a solution, and the Federation provided one. An isolated system called Haven near the borders of Federation space, home to a single research outpost. Even the sector was quiet, despite being along the route to the Federation-Klingon border.

Home is where the Haven Is

Haven Prime is a Class M world in a quiet sector of the Alpha Quadrant, near the borders of Federation space. It’s the fourth world of seven in a system with a G-Type, main sequence yellow star. Well within the ‘Goldilocks Zone’, it’s a temperate world with highly active tectonic plate activity partially brought on by its three moons.
First discovered by the USS Musashi on stardate 2250.33, it quickly became a focus of scientific interest and only marginal trade. But its location, and that of its sector, was far enough from any Neutral Zone that Haven wasn’t felt to have a strategic advantage.
The world is known in the Federation database for its diverse biomes. Some of these bear a similarity to a late Cretaceous Period with over-sized plants and dinosaur-like mega-fauna. Other biomes are like what’s found on worlds such as Earth, Vulcan, Qo’nos, and others. These biomes range from a variety of tropical to temperate forests, blue-gold seas, and wide purple-yellow plains.
Haven Prime using zarkonnen planet generator by CB Ash
Alternative Name(s)
Location under
Owning Organization
Both the seclusion of the system, combined with its mosaic of environments and natural resources, proved ideal. It gave enough diversity to accommodate the diverse needs of the Green Lantern Corps survivors and allies, not all of which are human. So the Green Lantern Corps established its new headquarters on Haven Prime on stardate 2271.44.

A Larger Role

Needing a hand up? I got ya. We’ve all been there.
— Lantern Kilowog, chief trainer for the Green Lantern Corps
Soon after the first year that the Green Lanterns established Emerald City on Haven, the world was needed for a greater role. Border skirmishes with both the Romulan Star Empire and the Klingon Empire displaced both individuals and a few cultures. Interstellar disasters also contributed to refugees looking for a new home.
Green Lantern John Stewart is the one who proposed the idea to the Federation. The suggestion was based on his time in the Lantern Universe as a custodian of Mosaic World. Mosaic was devised by the Oans in part as an experiment in peace and multi-cultural diversity. Lantern Stewart felt Haven Prime could serve the same purpose. The Federation Council agreed.
The first ship of refugees from the Federation-Klingon border arrived later that same year. In a curious turn of events, a handful were Klingons from the house of Kurgh, who had been exiled from the empire. These refugees established settlements along the southern and central regions. It cemented the planet’s place in the Federation, if not the galaxy, as a symbol of unity, diversity, and safety.

Settlements and Features

All settlements on Haven Prime are established with sustainability and some measure of self-sufficiency in mind. Each new settlement is expected to work to preserve and minimize the impact on the local ecosystem. Using advanced techniques and designs, with Federation and Green Lantern assistance, to blend settlements with the surrounding environment.

Emerald City

This is the most well-know of all the settlements on Haven Prime. Emerald City is a settlement that contains the Green Lantern Corps headquarters in the Alpha Quadrant. Home to the widest variety of cultures, it has been considered a living example of the IDIC philosophy at work.
To date, Emerald City contains the Green Lantern Corps headquarters, training grounds and other accommodations for the Green Lantern Corps. It also contains a secondary Power Battery that works as a backup to the main Power Battery constructed on Memory Alpha. Lantern rings have been reprogrammed to use the nearest Power Battery as needed.
Emerald City is also home to a thriving business quarter, physics and technology center, and Starfleet branch offices. Sustainable farms and living accommodations are scattered in and around the city.


I kinda like it. Blunt and to the point with that whole “don’t mess with me” vibe. But they do need more burger joints, like at least one.
— Lantern Guy Gardner
The city of Wa’les is on the southern continent of Haven Prime. Built and designed to follow Klingon architecture, it’s a slice of traditional Klingon culture blended evenly with a few nods to the Federation. Central to the city is the estate of its founders, House Kurgh. As if in defiance to the Klingon Empire that exiled them, House Kurgh remains determined to follow Klingon warrior philosophy. But one that’s accepting of their Federation hosts and allies.
Like all cities, Wa’les hosts a compound for the HDI. Overall, the compound in Wa’les for the Haven Defense Initiative is the largest of any on the world. Broken into ‘districts’, Wa’les has a modest technology center, research district, along with farming. Produce and products are shipped across Haven Prime, but primarily satisfy Klingon culinary tastes, such as Gagh, otherwise known as Klingon serpent worms.
The city also hosts one of the world’s two learning centers and robust starship repair services to maintain the repair drydock in orbit. Wa’les is also home to one of the main ground control stations to coordinate HDI efforts across the Haven system.

Hawking Research Center and Medical Complex

This is the original settlement on Haven Prime and, to date, remains the smallest. The Starfleet research station was established in 2253 to study unique, prehistoric-like biomes on the world. As there was no native intelligent life or civilizations, the Prime Directive did not apply. So, researchers were only limited to minimizing their impact on the surrounding ecology.
Since the Haven Refugee Initiative, the research team at the Hawking Center has been critical to the colonization of Haven Prime. It’s this team that advises and guides the settlements and colony development. Their research is what architects and designers rely on to create advanced settlements that blend with the environment, not disrupt it.
Also, they are the key Medical Complex of Haven Prime. Their years of research into the prehistoric-like flora and fauna allow them to fashion curatives and treatments. Each one targeted to the unique natural hazards of Haven Prime’s plants and animals.

Unity Gardens

Acting as both an attraction and a settlement on Haven Prime, it’s a unique area dedicated to the future but also commemorates the past. Before the Green Lanterns and the Haven Refugee Initiative, Unity Gardens was Bravo Station. A biological research station and outpost of Hawking Research Center. But the arrival of the Green Lanterns changed that.
As the Haven Refugee Initiative took place, the need to understand the ecology and the impact of colonists became paramount. Science teams expanded the staff until Bravo Station became a settlement on its own. It kept the original name until Lantern Kilowog planted a garden in the station’s central compound. It was a memorial to lost Green Lanterns left behind in their own dying universe. Specifically, a Green Lantern named Mogo who gave his life to save the last of the Green Lantern Corps.
Over time, as the refugees arrived, they continued the tradition. It didn’t take long until a full botanical garden with plants from the explored systems of the Alpha Quadrant. That was also when the outpost officially changed its name from Bravo Station to Unity Gardens. A name to represent the collaboration of the refugees in working together to build a new home.
Today, the science teams continue their studies into the local ecosystem to reduce any negative impact on it. Also, they study many of the plants in the garden as several are endangered species because disaster or war decimated their world of origin.

Haven Defense Initiative

The HDI, established with assistance from both the Green Lantern Corps and Starfleet, is the world’s primary defense force. It was first formed as a response to attacks by Klingon marauders looking to exterminate House Kurgh. The Haven Defense Initiative integrates both training and technology of the Federation and Klingons, resulting in innovative tactics and strategy all their own. The HDI reports to the Haven Prime planetary council, deploying forces as needed in emergencies.


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Aug 15, 2024 02:32 by Lady Wynter

I don't know anything about Green Lantern or it's Corps. I do know Star Trek. Since Star Trek was faithfully resprented here, I'm assuming so is Green Lantern. This is a crossover I've never thought of (mainly due to lack of knowledge on my part). Well done.   In the Wa'les section, you mention the HDI, but since you don't explain what is until the end, I would suggest writing it out and put the intials in parentheses. Then you can use the initials going forward. Because the initials don't mean anything to the reader if they don't know what they stand for.

Bringing the Light
Aug 15, 2024 16:07 by C. B. Ash

Thank you! I 100% overlooked that in my edits and accidentally took out the one line explanting them early on. I'll add that back in!