Valgiri System

The Valgiri system is a star system located near the border between the Federation and Klingon Empire. It's an inhabited system, being the home of the canine-humanoid sapient species, the Valgiri and their homeworld, Valg.
The Federation first identified the system and its inhabitants when the science vessel, the USS Nemoy, intercepted a Valgeiri cruiser being harassed by two Klingon Bird of Prey. Tensions escalated until the arrival of the USS Yorktown from Starbase 12, at which time the two Klingon vessels withdrew, leaving the captain of the USS Nemoy to begin First Contact protocol with the the native Valgiri.
Aside from its proximity to the Klingon border, the Valgiri system presents its own unique mysteries that have kept Federation scientists busy for years.


Valgiri System has a single, yellow, G-Type star. There are five planets and one asteroid belt, but only the third planet and moons around the fourth are inhabited.
The third planet, Valg, is the homeworld of the Valgiri. Moons around the fourth planet, the larger of the two gas giants in the system, are Vargiri colonies.
Some of the notable aspects, if not remarkable, is a comet in orbit around the fourth planet along with the presence of a cold hydrogen stream that flows within the orbit of the system's asteroid belt.
by CB Ash
Star System
Native Species


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