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The Birth of the San'bir

Era beginning/end

The First Season

How the San came to be.

"In Toh'ren, it is known..."   At the first moment of the creation of our star a giant creator god named Higoo came to be on the top of the largest mountain in the sky. Seeing the vastness of the her part of the universe, she decided to populate it. So she ate five of the nearest stars, and then laid five giant eggs in her nest . These eggs were so large that they could only be moved by her and nature itself.   For 100 years, Higoo sat on the eggs to keep them warm. Then, one day, in the wee hours of the morning, a typhoon hit the mountain. It blew the first egg out of the nest. It rolled down the mountain and into the forest below. Higoo could not see where the egg went and paced back and forth deciding what to do. If she went after it, she couldn't protect the other four eggs from the storm. So, even though it pained her, she decided that keeping the other four eggs safe was more important than searching for the missing egg. She named those in the lost egg the Lostborn. Higoo returned to her next and cried over her loss. Her tears joined the winds of the typhoon, which is why rain and wind are inseparable during storms.   After mourning for 100 more years, her tears had created crevasses in the mountain, and flowed down the sides in mighty rivers. During the dawn of a chilly morning, an earthquake hit the mountain. The second egg was knocked out of the nest and started to roll down the hill. This time Higoo caught the egg before it got away. She cried out in joy, however the egg had been cracked. From this crack, three beings came forth. They were Pradê, Lii and Sow, the first of the Muna San'bir. Because they were "hatched" in the morning, Higoo named these three the Dawnborn.   To ensure that no typhoon or earthquake would harm her eggs again, Higoo built up the walls of her nest to be higher and sturdier.   One hundred years later the sun became extremely hot and caused all the water to dry up on the mountain, including the rivers that Higoo drank from and bathed the eggs with. Because of this, she grew weary and the egg's shells were very dry and brittle. At Noon, on the hottest day of the year, the third egg began to rumble on its own. Higoo, very tired and dehydrated, thought she was seeing things. But soon, the egg cracked and disintegrated into a thousand tiny shards. Standing where the egg once laid were Ch and . Because they were born midday, Higoo named them the Noonborn.   100 more years passed, and because the other eggs all hatched 100 years apart, Higoo expected that the fourth egg would hatch that year. However, it did not. Five more years passed, then ten, and then 25 and it still hadn't hatched. Being an eternal being, waiting wasn't a problem for her, but she began wondering if something was wrong with the egg. She decided to take the egg to a SEER whom she heard lived near another star. To do this, however, she would have to leave the fifth, unhatched egg in the nest on its own. She decided to leave the egg in the care of the Dawnborn and Noonborn were still nearby, and would get back as quickly as possible. So she went to visit the Seer. Using his powers, the Seer peered through the egg's shell and stumbled back, aghast. Higoo asked what was wrong. The Seer answered that nothing was wrong with the egg itself, but gave Higoo a warning. "There are two more that will be born from this egg" he said. "They are healthy, but will change the world for good and for bad." Higoo asked, what she could do, but the Seer said, "It is not for us to decide. Fate must prevail."   Higoo took the egg back, now, not worried about its health, but about its impact on the world. But when she returned to the nest, she saw that the fifth egg was missing! She searched all around the mountain top, but did not see it. No one could move the egg but her and her walled nest was too big for them to roll away. She called on the San'bir and asked where the egg was. They came rushing and responded that it, simply, floated away. "It floated away!!!" she screamed. "How could I have been so careless to leave you 'lesser-thans' in charge of something so important!" The San'bir had dealt with her anger and abuse long enough, so they left the mountain. Worried that she should not leave the remaining egg to go look for the lost one, Higoo began to weep again. She grieved the fifth, missing egg, named them as part of the Lostborn.   Higoo grieved and grieved the loss of her egg for another 100 years. Eventually, the vibrations from her loud shrieking sent cracks up and down the fourth egg. From the inside Brê and Ça emerged, holding their ears for they had to listen to the wailing for the last century. So, as soon as they emerged from the egg, they ran off into the twilight never speaking to Higoo at all. Higoo named them the Eveborn and, having lost all of her children, died, broken-hearted on the top of the mountain.   This is how the San came to be.   "In Toh'ren, it is known..."

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