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Chamadia (chuh-MAH-dee-uh)

Chamadia is a country in southern Velnar along the coast of the Sea of Serpents. Along the coastal regions, there are few good ports, instead featuring mile after mile of saltmarsh. More inland, the region is dominated by grasslands. It is one of Velnar's theocracies, but worship of The Tinavri has fallen in favor of worship of Balphomar the Ironhanded, one of The Three Who Are Hidden. The Ironhanded God's worship pervades the warlike country's personality, and it isn't unusual for Chamadian troops to surge out every few generations and attempt to capture more lands. Each time, the Dagundai nations have fought them back, often taking tribute from Chamadia in the form of their excellent horses and installing a more peaceful ruler. Over time, however, the priests of Balphomar slowly creep back into power, and the country falls back to its warlike ways. The ruler of Chamadia is the Senapati, a title which originally translated as something like "Warlord".
Geopolitical, Theocracy


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