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Wise are those who avoid dealings with the malevolent Fey called Hags. Tales of dealings with hags never tend to end well for those mortals who treat with them, and yet people keep dealing with them, sometimes desperate for what only the hags seem able to provide. Farm gone fallow? Ask the hags. Childless and wanting? Ask the hags. Need to be rich, to be beautiful, to make someone fall in love with you? Hags, hags, hags. Often, the hag agrees with one price...the life of the firstborn child. Many of the children touched by these bargains aren't harmed or taken. Instead, they come out as Hexbloods.   Hexbloods are gnerally much like their parent race, although there's always something off, physically and/or mentally. They're never quite right, and they don't often fit in. They also possess eerie little magical gifts that they can use to help others. This combination of not fitting in and inherent magic often fits them for a life as an Adventurer. Sometimes, they maintain a good relationship with the hag that they were involved with, and not a few Hexbloods are Feypact Warlocks.


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