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The Hearthmaker clan arose in the ashes of the Ascendancy war when family had turned against family and the mortal races seemed dedicated to finishing the work of exterminating themselves that the gods had started. Bismuthnite Hearthmaker, first of her Clan, brought together battling brothers, scheming sisters, cruel cousins, and parsimonious parents and served them cold beer and hot stew all at her table. Meal gave way to talk, and talk gave way to understanding, and the Hearthmaker clan was born for the ability of a meal to heal the soul.
  Hearthmaker dwarves maintain both farms and ranches in the vicinity of the Great Cities, as well as breweries, bakeries, taverns, and everywhere else that good food, strong beer, song and dance, or good cheer are on tap. Some of their clan have grown away from the good cheer and warm hearth that their ancestor laid the first stone, but still contribute to Bismuthnite's dream by serving as auditors, tasters, and inspectors to ensure that all who place the Hearthmaker clan symbol on their door serve only wholesome meals and fine drink.

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