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Session 14 Notes

Three dead elves, sleeping wench tick, bloody fist tick, thirsty sailor (nice for docks lol).   Is a neat tavern, go to investigate.   Jennas and Petra are bar staff (owners?). Star was the female victim found this morning. Jennas was asleep, Petra is was two bells after midnight that STar left. She was a cleaner, she was found in the alley outback by Jethro not longer after (doorman?).   No patrons were into her or seemed to be bothering her (moon elf).   Earden (was her dance partner).   Murder scene seems more bloody, violent, hasty.   I have to go buy fish for my cat.   Unicorn and Snail.   Thad how?   Muleskull and Soaring Pegasus to check next.   Cook said Star was shot and killed, the same as the other vicitm. Sergeant and Cromley at Castle Waterdeep. Drow??

Session 15 Notes

Sleeping Wench - Bloody Fist - Thirst Sailor   Soaring Pegasus   Stake out, VreeNak and Orianna stake out Selune's Smile, and Stormborn and Rhasan stakeout the Muleskull.   Jarok is circling with signal if there is danger or trouble.   VreeNak and Orianna see a drunk elf leave and then he appears to be being stalked by a black hooded figure, murderer?   Session ended VreeNak and Orianna on roof watching elf and stalking figure going into initative.

Session 16 Notes

VreeNak sends Jarok to find Rhasan and Stormborn. Orianna attacks Drow person stalking elf in the alley, and tells the elf to run. The Drow killer hits Orianna with and knocks her to 0 and unconcious. VreeNak hits murderer with Hideous Laughter Jarok makes it to Stormborn and Rhasan VreeNak stabilises Orianna VreeNak Faire Fire and misses Stormborn misses Rhasan Misses Orianna breaks drow concentration with magic missile.   Beren - Shrimp Alley?  

Session 17 Notes

Changed out spells, got metamagic - twinned spell & quickened spell.   We hand in a quest to Davil at the Yawning Portal.   We got 50 gold pieces each.   Go to Castle Keep to see Sergeant Cromley   We receive Drow Poison bolts (Rhasan).   Mirt stops by to see at restoration progress. We arrange to send invite to Mirt for grand opening.   We find staff for the tavern 2 cooks 2 bartenders 2 wait-staff 1 manager   Broxley halfling from tavern guild?   20th works finish, 30th launch party.   We hire Sandra (waitress) Hassied (Bar staff) Callie (halfling waitress) Keith (Half-orc cook, green skin, black hair) Alston (pastry chef) Vistra (Dwarf Manager)  

Session 19 Notes

Obayu sent us to the temple to do a funeral for the oprhans bones. We speak to the priestess (nun type person) and explain about the hag and the children. We listen through Jarok in rat form as she talks to big Vicar dude, Farther Brandus   We do a funeral and return to the tavern.   Roll D100 to see how business does, 60 gold per week to run, 150 gold profit in first week.   Cart blows up outside tavern, VreeNak does a detect magic and deduces its a Fireball.

Session 20 Notes

11 people killed by fireball.   Bent Nail, right carpenters.   Hooded Figure?   Gnome, heavily wounded, main target?   None of them saw it coming.   Silvery robe, torn piece of cloth with a cog symbol, represneting Gond, God of craft.   Jezrine Hornraven, woman at PI shop, near to explosion. Said she saw a weird puppet man made of wood? On roof.   Halfling in a barrel, Marton Umnior(?) Street with friend (Brand?).   Dead People: Elderly Human female 2 female humans (leather armour) 1 Gnome 2 female halflings 1 male halfling 1 halfling child (Brandon)   The kid Marton saw someone run away, and picked up a necklace, gave it to Orianna, who comforted him. The party took him home. The necklace was a necklace of fireballs with 2 beads left.   Do festivial, big arse temple. Figure outside temple shoots bird at us.                  

Session 21 Notes

We meet followers of Gond. Valleta is a bronze dragonborn priestess. She tells us about Nim, who is an Automoton, who is locked in a room (workshop). Nim opens the door and signs to Valetta to say that the bird machine hitting Rhasan was an accident.   We show them the cloth scrap, it is a neophytes mark (new initiates to temple). There are ten or so of them. There are six neophytes of different races, two of are out of town at Baldurs' Gate. Master Adam (one of the priests)   Servants say Nim had taken some of the Neophytes robes.   Nim was a gift from a Lantanese wizard. Nim built himself a Nimblewright Compainion.   VreeNak touches something in the workshop and gets sucked through a portal.   Valetta gives us a device to detect a Nimblewright. Says she'll pay 50 platinum to return it dead or alive.   The device will detect a Nimblewright within a 500ft radius.   Nimblewrights have some magical resistances, but they cannot cast spells themselves.   Gives us the detector, and we give her details of where we live, for VreeNak updates.

Session 22 Notes

Gralhund Manor (Yellow shield with mans face).   Gnome Dalacar (spy) fathers spy   Stone of Golorr dad is trying to retrive Thinks Dalacar is delivering the stone to us, maybe to deliver to Neverwinter.   Grum'shire half-orc mage?! Xanathar Guild.   Artifact, dad used rumour he embezeled a large amount of gold.   Fracture in the Zhentarim, civil war? Doom-Riders, Davil. Others think Manshoon has returned (old wizard who has started the Zhentarim)

Session 23 Notes

Gralhund Manor Urstul (burned faced dude).

Session 24 Notes

Go to see Blackstaff She asks us to find young bronze dragon sighted in habour Got water breathing potions Gave her umbrella nimblewright tracker to boost signal Go home to eat & rest. Feed cats, bathe, sleep Stormborn visted by patron, sad about kid he killed but offers forgiveness Wake up & go to Blacksmith for necklace Fire Genasi (Embric)

Session 11 Notes

Seance Session???   Going to see Xoblob first? Looking around shop for hand/face from fresco 3gp for hand now painted purple   Lady Cassalanter next?   Maybe ask Renaer Neverember. Don't know where he lives, so will go & ask Mirt. Not in, but butlters lets us know   Sea Ward, Diamenel Street, adjacdent Delsem Street. BIG HOUSE. About an hour walk there.   Seance   YES NO YES LEAVE YES (Died in the tavern) (Seek Justice) Indecisive BODY NOT IN TAVERN NO WANTS TO LEAVE TAVERN / BE AT REST MAYBE - > YES NO OTHER SPIRITS PEACE I HOPE YES HAG NO FLOWER YES KIDS

Session 12 Notes

We recap after break & discuss stratergy e.g. investigat ehag or proceed with renovation/making side money   Guy (well dressed) delivers enevelope (to SB) from Mirt to advise of money delivery (1800gp)   VreeNak makes Orianna a rose climbing four poster bed   850gp outstanding -> Tradesmen come to TSM and we pay upfront for work. Work commences   Plumber scams SB of extra 115gp (he doesn't remember original quote)   Rhasan & VreeNak follow to try and get money back (distraction & Slight of hand). Gets money back and plummer says sorry.   VreeNak plays prank on Orianna but fails :P   Rhasan is out stealing & flying snake delivers message from D.S.

Session 13 Notes

Davil "cleared" Rhasan's ban in the Yawning Portal (D.S.) Wants to meet him usptairs.   Someone has been killing elves & half-elves in Dock Ward. Wants Rhasan to investigate (Aware of his theiving)   Sleeping Wench 3 Days ago Bloody Fist Last Night @ Thirsty Sailor Late at night Near taverns Shot/Stabbed? 50gp each Any sign of magic? Not sure, not much info   Belnimbra's Street (Sleeping Wench) Sigyrna -> Fisherwoman (half elf) trying a new fishing tecnique. Left tavern few hours after mightnight. She sometimes drank with didn't say she had a boyfriend. Ally by the side stabbed?? Slide. Investigate Blood stains Trail entering into alley, some blood spatters, no Magic.   Bloody Fist (Snail Street) Exotic Smelling, Dragonborn Landlord (Jacha Doe) Elves/Half Elves Said Iti to sailing buddy drank until early hours ^ left. Doesn't know name. Find part of white feather in alley Blood trail, no other entrance   All Eleven Crew in dock (Boat/ship Dawn Stone). Flag - Not Waterdeep Speak to Woman loading fish? Anris disappearance Boat departing this evening Few days ago dude was murdered Only one mrurder on crew Magical neckalce on body Wound in back looks like arrow & front stabs   Corellon elf god symbol (Star shape) Poison Arrow?

Session 10 Notes

We agree to put alarm spell on cellar door as don't have ability to detect magic on doll. We clean up a bit take shifts and sleep. No distrubances. I stay in room upstairs (my bedroom) Go to visit Fala after breakfast. Lif half-elf that owned the tavern. Left with "famiyl troubles" quickly & tavern fell into disrepair for decades. Was previously an orphanage Head to regestray @ magestracts may have records Gnome in dock ward Xoblob was suggested to procure "spirit board"  

Session 8 Notes

We fight 3 guards & a "spellcaster" Orianna & VreeNak get knocked to 0 health Stormborn stablised us both & heals us with patron Hlam Monk: "100 year old truth to be lost"? Says to come see him when recovered We are unconscious while Rhasan and Stormborn short rest   "Guards" have winged snake tattoos Three bodies (real guards?) buried under tent things   Loots = 100gp, 10gp, Ameythst (mine), wand, vial of something   Ask month what has heard about threats to the city.   Monk: Evils twin hides his face, for now epect that to change before winter ends. SB: Name? Date? Monk: You will know evil when you see it. VN: Whats your relationship with the archmage? Your relationship with her has yet to be unravelled. Why here? Monk: *Silent*   Go to Alchemists to see worth of manticore head/tail (50gp for head, 100gp for tail)   Orianna gets us kicked out of the shop   Kind alchemist shop elsewhere Sells head and tail for 125gp Paid 5sp to blacksmith to make my amethyst into a pendent.   Next time go to tower to see mage.   Go to neighbour's nursery to buy seed of some magic bloom. Give over vial of "poison" to check what it is.   Each shared a memory (good) in ceremony to plant special seed. Sapling turned inot ash & blood curdling scream (creepy ghost children)

Session 5 Notes

Orianna wants a room on the second floor with a bathroom & turret window Contact Madame Pearl @ Sinners paradise Previous did shows for high class patrons, think geisha-esque. WOudl gather info from high profile clients or pick pocket important items e.g. documents/ keys for copy and replace. Would also do "heist" type jobs for The Crows (a criminal gang Orianna ran with) that racketeered the Sinner's Paradise. Will take on work for Madame Pearle to earn cash. Cna slo charm sellers/tradesmen for deals? -> 25gp Rhasan stole & sold -> 10gp VreeNak cleans w/ unseen servant -> 25gp Orianna for Sinner's Paradise -> 25gp Stormborn for magical Masonary = 85gp + Water drainage 50go = 815gp remaining.   Got 1800gp investment from Mirt for 45% of profits. Vajra Safahr (Blackstaff) sends message into VreeNaks head to visit tower.   Hlam (Monk) Sage in cave on side Mount WAterdeep - wants guidance Don't overstage welcome About dodgy stuff happening in city Insignia of Grey hand to get past guards.

Session 4 Notes

Underground lair (sewer) Floon being tortured by half orc sorcerer? Mind flayer on throne with intellect devourer Mind flayer leaves We kill the intellect devourer, then half orc. VreeNak is crtically wounded & intellect eaten. Carry him & Floon back out & also take Grumshar to hand over to City Watch. Take Floon back to Yawning Portal to Volo Heal VreeNak Volo can't pay but gives paper to Trollskull Manor. Go to Mangistrate next to sign deeds over. Trollskull Manor is a dump, 1st floor tavern, 2nd & 3rd floor lodgings and library, balcony, turret, bath etc. All clogged dirty (frogspawn in bath) Chimney clogged, holes in roof, books in library damaged. Tavern Guild halfling knocks and offers "services" Get quotes from other trades people for works. Plumbing 150gp, wood & plaster 400gp, stone mason 250gp, glass 100gp, ironwork 50g; total 950gp. VreeNak puts alarm spell on house and we take shifts in watch. By morning Rhasan's dagger is rusted Weird broken carving of child doll missing head.

Session 3 Notes

Speaking to Mirt about Floon. VreeNak questions him -> Tells us that his man servant dude said he got taken down sewer. Harpers know Xanathar Near cow alley we pop off a sewer grate to look inside. Has walkway but narrow Goes into sewer sees eye Xanathar markings After walkway disappears Come to a T-Section with a ladder and this fucker (gazer) to the left. Hits Rhasan VreeNak and I kill it.   Go thourg hstone door & kill sleeping goblin. Go down steps -> see beds (6) and hear noises behind wooden doors. Open wooden door a crack and see a fight Human & Dwarf voices (stuff the bottom?!)   Sleeping area with straw beds Try to stuff blankets under the door & varricade with furniture   Xanthar Guild - Human with eyeballs on head from yawning portal fights dark dwarf attacks us. We kill dwarf and tie up the human   We go into the throne room and theres Floon being tortured by a half orc and a tentcale (mind flayer?!) figure on throne & weird brain pet.

Session 2 Notes

Zhentarim?   Raener Neverember They were jumped because they were interested in dad's artifact (stone of Golorr - to find gold)   Xanathar Guild?   They took Floon thinking he was Raener & attacked Zhentarim Raener suggests speaking to Mirt/Vajira Archmage (Black Staff) Mirt master of harpers masion (Dock Ward)

Session 1 Notes

Investigate Lane -> Find The Skewered Dragon   Rested at a friend on mine's house.   Got to the Skewered Dragon (Anchor in the roof)   Floon drinking with an older guy. The older guy left. Floon stayed -> Had drinks with Noble Raener Neverember (Son of ???). They started playing card games (high stakes). Past midnight they left. A table of 5 @ pub follow. Warehouse on Candle Lane.   Snake Symbol on warehouse (gangs that killed someone night before).   Dead men in warehouse. 4 weird bird creatures searching throw boxes.


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