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Princess, is the best.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Princess grew up in Baldurs Gate, the daughter of a human father and orc mother. There relationship was unusual due to the massive differences in their cultures, however it was still a loving one. Princess' Father, Kanithar, had in his youth been an adventurer, who settled and learned the Blacksmithing trade. It was during his travels he met, and fell in love with the fierce Milzul, of the Dust-Treader clan, known then as Milzul the Masher. She was ordered to take the human who strayed into their territory, separated from his companions, as a slave. However, as they travelled the long roads to the Orc stronghold, she began to question all of the things she had been taught about humans. Milzul couldnt stand by and let Kanithar be tortured and then sold off by the slavers, so she broke him out from his prison in the dead of night, knowing this would mean exile from her clan. They both fled, and and started a new life together in Baldurs gate. Kanithar opened his shop, and in time gained reputation as one of the best Smiths in the city, even making armour and weaponry for nobility. Milzul found settling into city life more difficult, and was met with the prejudice that came with being an Orc. People typically either feared her, or hated her, but in time the local community came to accept her, more so with the arrival of their daughter. Milzul being such a strong and large woman, would often help in the forge, assisting her husband with tasks his human strength occasionally found a struggle. It was one day when Princess was around 12 years old, when her mother did not return from a trip to purchase some supplies on the other side of the city. Milzul had seemingly been attacked and beaten to death. Knowing what a fierce and capable fighter she was, Kanithar knew she must have been ambushed in some way. The Flaming Fist were reluctant to investigate her murder, inferring that it was perhaps she who had instigated the violence because of her Orc nature. Before her body was placed in the ceremonial pyre, Princess noticed amongst the lacerations, there were broken barbs from some sort of creature, still buried in her skin. She removed some, and kept them, in the hopes of finding out what it was. In the months that followed, she helped her father as a apprentice Blacksmith by day, and searched for the source of these barbs in the most unsavoury corners of the city. As is custom to honor a powerful and revered Orc, Princess forged her first Sword with her mothers ashes, which she she named Milzul in her honor. Some years later, she found herself at the docks, talking to a black market trader, about the mysterious spines she had kept all that time, in a glass bottle. It was then she finally came to learn, they were from an infernal creature called a barbed devil. Filled with anger, and yet more questions, it was then that Princess knew, she wanted to dedicate her life to ridding the world of such creatures.

Gender Identity



Princess is bisexual, however she is in a secret romantic relationship with her bunk mate, Reya.


Princess was educated by her parents at home, due to her mixed ethnicity. Her father was a smith but well educated for his station. Her mother taught her about her Orc cultures and customs and also, how to fight. Her father taught her to smith and Princess was apprentice to him for many years until she left home.   She under went physical training and education for her role as a Hellrider


She worked for her Fathers business as an apprentice and is now "Hoof" in the Hellriders - which is an initiate rank.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She is a fairly accomplished smith, and can forge her own weaponry. She has helped out with smithing for the Hellriders when there has been shortages of equipment.

Failures & Embarrassments

Even though she was a child, she felt guilt she was not able to save her mothers life.

Mental Trauma

Growing up as a half orc, even in larger city like Baldurs Gate was difficult. She witnessed her mother deal with a lot of prejudice, fear and hate because of her race. Princess also dealt with similar, but to a lesser degree. As time went on and she grew larger in size, she found herself championing and defending those childre who were picked on or targeted for being weaker, poorer or just different.   When her Mother Milzul was found murdered, this had a huge impact on Princess. She not only lost her mother, but also her only link to her orc heritige. At first she thought the attack was due to her mother being an Orc, but she soon realised there was something more sinister at work in the city.   Finding out about he deception and traitors in the Order of the Companion and Hellriders has shaken Princess to her core. It made her question her oath, her very beliefs. However, she is spurned on to protect the innocent, and will not give up, even with the odds being stacked against her.

Intellectual Characteristics

Princess has kept a journal for many years since her mothers death, it started as a way to cope with the loss and also document the investigations into the circumstances of her murder.

Morality & Philosophy

Princess believes in justice and serving the greater good. She believes in protecting those who canot protect themselves. She has devoted herself wholly to being a Hellrider and worship of Helm. She would give her life in service of this and the people of Elturel.

Princess was born in Baldurs gate to a human father Kanithar, and an orc mother Milzul "the Masher" of Clan Dust Treader. She left Baldurs Gate in her late teens for Elturel to become a Hell Rider.

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Lawful Good
Date of Birth
Dusty Rose (dyed with beetroot extract - she likes pink)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale green
Muscular but thick
Known Languages
Common & Orc


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