Renic Settlement in Tor'Saarn (classic) | World Anvil
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Renic is the capital of the Tiorath Hierarchy, located on Nor'Renic, the southern most (and most populace) island of the Tiorath isles.





Renic is roughly midway on the small mountain range of Nor'Renic, located at the flattened peak of the mount Halon it's located on. The city has a clear view of the sea on both it's east and western sides.

Leadership history


Leren Tiorath, Governor of Nor'Renic, Brother of The high lord/Tiorath Hierarchy


01/01/01/01-Thennon Tiorath, Governor of Nor'Renic, High lord of Tiorath/Tiorath Hierarchy



86/02/-7 Renic was the second city of the Tiorath Hierarchy, being founded after Nor'Renic (then simply called Nor'Sen) had become overcrowded, and was founded to afford the island with both more living space and to free land for farming. The city was founded by Thennon Tiorath, the first in the Tiorath lineage. His government had just unified the Isles and would soon begin it's conquest of the western regions of Tor'Saarn, which would become the Territory Sethir.

Early History

The city of Renic was used to command the conquest of Tor'saarn, however it was not the site from which the Tiorathan forces moved east to the continent, as it had no sizeable port. It's primary use was to export durable stone collected from the southern mountains, which would be used to construct the shipyard built on the sea between Sol'Henruut and Nor'Henruut. This would replace the militaries need for the small civilian dockyard in Weisiar.

Later History

Renic was the initial site of the Sundering of Tiorath, which led to the crippling of the Hierarchy's government early in the struggle. The attack began with the Titan-Minds deployment of corrupted Arcai.
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