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The world of Tora is divided into four known continents seperated by a narrow sea known as The Cut. These four continents are have been closely linked by trade and polotics for thousands of years. Beyond the horizons of the four known continents is unknown, no ship has ever managed to circumnavigate has ever been successful, ships that sail too far beyond into whats known as "Dead Waters" are never heard from again.


The Northernmost and smallest continent is known as Atzlan, a mysterious land filled with lush rainforests and jungles, with white sandy beaches on its coastline.


The Tetepec Dominion is the only nation on Atzlan, and claims the entire landmass. Those that inhabit the Tetepec Dominion remain in recluse and avoid those outside of their country.


The Western continent, Kotan, is the wildest, not only about its countries, and inhabitants, but its physical terrain. The continent's center exhibits a vast mountain range, and a harsh rocky desert takes up much of the northwest. The people who live in the mountains and deserts have adapted to the severe climate in both physical and behavioral manners. The coastline of the continent is generally habitable and many maritime empires have risen and fallen over the years.


The Logi Mageocracy leads Tora in arcane ability, run by a council of archmages. Many who pursue magic seek haven in the Logi Mageocracy


The Grand Duchy of Rumia serves as a bastion of multiculturalism that remains upheld in their constitution. The noble families elect the duke or duchess as opposed to having the power be inherited.


The Bultian Khanate is primarily composed of nomadic clans living in the rough Grim Foothills desert. The people live a harsh lifestyle with rivaling clans only being tied together through the strength of the Great Khan. Some years the clans are united and forge diplomatic ties or raid other nations, some years they turn inwards in a state of civil war.


The Wanian Holy State is a theocracy of many churches. Each citizen declares a patron deity that they intend to worship primarily for the remainder of their life when they come of age. Travelers to this nation are expected to do the same while they remain within the borders of the holy state. Uniquely, they do not view evil deities with contempt, seeing them as representatives of life the same way as good deities.


The Kiadwarian Kingdom is a nation generally considered to be a place of chaos by outsiders. With a disregard for central government, individual cities and towns are generally left to fend for themselves. Adding to the chaos, many of the nations within its borders are inhabited by giant clans and other monster lairs. Adventurers are quite common in Kiadwari as they are oftentimes the only ones capable of protecting towns and villages. Some places even teach children adventuring basics with the profession of adventuring being viewed as a trade like any other.

Independent Dwarf Holds

The Dwarf Holds are a collection of city-states that make up the remnants of an ancient series of dwarven kingdoms. They are all that remains, however, with many still clinging to their former glory. Some city-states have proposed the idea of a grand alliance between dwarf holds to combat the influence of other nations residing within the continent.


The Cornovian Empire is a hyperlegalist society and a mess of bureaucracy to outsiders. They are a young empire that has expanded along the coast built upon trade, and military might. They are governed by an elected senate labeled the Princeps, or “first citizens”.


The Dominion of Paria is the oldest nation on Kotan and is an empire on its last legs. Originally run by an elite class of dark elves, Paria has become more open to outsiders in the last few centuries. Unfortunately in return, the last few centuries have not been kind to Paria as nearby nations pick away at its borders.


The Kamian Empire is the largest nation in Tora and a leader in military power. They have expanded greatly in the last few centuries. The empire struggles to instill control at their ever-expanding border towns.


The Guan Ulus is a small and poor nation, relying mainly on a culture of fishing to survive. They have done little in the form of innovation and the royal family has maintained absolute control for generations.


The Jocian Republic is a small but famed nation. They have renowned artists, and are often considered as an international leader in terms of culture as well as the sciences of biology, chemistry, and medicine.


The southern continent of Sahram primarily consists of a large sandy desert with the exception of the coastline. Due to the smaller size of the continent, the three nations of Sahram have a history of ever-changing alliances with each other following a vicious cycle of peace and betrayal.


The Asadian Trade Empire is ruled primarily by the Asadian Congregation of Merchants. These merchant lords run the empire and push the nation in whatever ways will make the most money.


The Tamer Sultanate is currently in a dark age, recovering from a lost war against their two neighboring nations.


The Sultanate of Bereket is historically the weakest of the three nations largely due to a majority of their populous living nomadically across the desert. They have often struggled to maintain power over these nomadic tribes and internal struggles have weakened the nation in the past.


Verda is a continent dominated by ancient nations that have maintained relative stability for millennia. The landscape is diverse but mostly tame compared to other continents. The beginnings of civilization are derived from this continent.


The Kingdom of Evanril is the oldest nation in Tora and has always been ruled by a council of elven kings. Despite being formally equal, other races have often struggled to prosper under the governance of elves that see them and their short lifespans as expendable.


The Queendom of Khelie is the second oldest nation in Tora and has been ruled by the same queen for over 7000 years. This seemingly immortal tiefling of human descent, aptly named The Red Queen, has maintained power over the vast nation this entire time.


The Kingdom of Diena was once the most powerful nation in Tora but has since lost nearly one-third of their territory to rebellions among their people. They have suffered under weak monarchs for generations and the kingdom will not last long if this trend continues.


The Free Territories of Boria and Pidere are not officially recognized as a nation. They are in active rebellion against the Kingdom of Diena for their independence and are seeking international assistance. The rebellion ignited after the Duchess assassinated her father to overtake the throne and declare independence.


The Aurian Diarchy broke off from Diena just a few hundred years ago to become independent. However, their dual royal families have conflicted ever since. One is sympathetic to Diena, and recognizes their heritage, despite remaining in favor of independence. The other is staunchly independent and holds great hate for Diena.


The Theocracy of Foyers is a puppet state of Diena run by religious fanatics. They hold a few deities to be paramount and all other deities in contempt. Furthermore, they are against creatures they view to be foreign to this world such as fey.


The Protectorate of Quazhir is another puppet nation of Diena and was formally a part of one of the Chetian Kingdoms. During the Chethian Unification, they broke off and their independence has been guaranteed by Diena ever since.


Formerly three separate kingdoms, The United Chetian Kingdoms is now unified under one high king. They have since turned from historical rivals into a regional superpower. The individual kingdoms are Asto to the East, Cathul to the West, and Dridi to the North.


The Grand Duchy of Bamur was historically considered to be the fourth Chethian kingdom as they were descendants from one royal family split into four. However, being the largest and most powerful they retained their independence during unification and have become bitter rivals to the united kingdoms seeking to crush this upstart power. Furthermore, their nation suffered internationally after the Chethian Unification, as their king lost their familial title of king and only retained their duchy title.


The Divine Kingdom of Sprin serves as a buffer state between Evanril and the Chethian Kingdoms. Their nation’s throne has passed from monarch to monarch as competing nations seek to support a favorable candidate's ascendence to monarchy.


The Republic of Fanel leads Tora in terms of technology and engineering. Their main cities contain massive industrial districts with arcanotech lights and airships often soaring through their skies.


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