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Goddess of Fire and Heat

Misngrat is a High God in Torana's godly pantheon who rules over the realms of fire and heat.

Divine Domains

Misngrat rules over the domains of Fire and Heat. All things that have fire or involve heat are under her jurisdiction.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Misngrat's diving symbol is an image of a staff with a flame on top and a scale below it.

Tenets of Faith

Cult of Misga's Justice

I will serve as a beacon of light to bring those who fear obtaining justice into Misga's light.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Misngrat is a muscular and agile god who is always in peak physical condition.

Apparel & Accessories

Misngrat follows the Celestial custom of single-linen clothing to cover what is deemed unclean. She wears a crown that marks her ownership of her realm. All vassal gods below her also wear smaller, less-ornate versions of this crown.

Specialized Equipment

She carries a staff with a crystal embedded in the center of it. It was created by Kramot to give her command over her domain's element to perform creation-, destruction-, or combat-focused tasks.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Misngrat has always seemed to take a backseat to the godly politics of Torana unless they directly affected her. Unlike Urgot or Gladat, she only did what Kramot asked of her and nothing more.

Early History

Misngrat was created by Kramot who needed somebody to oversee the creation of new land and also manage the temperature opposite to Urgot, who controlled cold weather. He early duties were to control the heat of the newly made universe so that it did not cook everything in existence. Then, she was tasked with creating volcanoes that rose from the corpse of Sinusat. These created new land and some even remain after she left Torana following the Second Uprising.

After Creation

After Creation, Kramot rarely called on Misngrat for anything except in cases where Husot was too cold in Husedlir. In many ways, this angered her because her perceived lack of utility and generally soft-spoken nature were viewed as detrimental qualities in the world of gods. So, when it came to the First and Second Uprisings, Misngrat took a step back and watched the gods fall. In reality, Misngrat was not mentioned in the original epic because she never left Torana with the other gods. She left on her own and made her own journey among the stars.

Accomplishments & Achievements

MIsngrat, despite being otherwise un-utilized in the world of the gods, was responsible for many creations and advancements.


Misngrat gave the first fire to Toranans. Primitive tribes formed in the later portion of the Early Demic Period and she provided them with the knowledge of fire via lightning that struck nearby trees.


In the past, many cultures viewed Misngrat as a secondary Goddess of Justice. While Kramot would be considered the God of Order, this order does not always equate to justice. Misngrat, despite her raging domain of fire, was frequently the most judicious of all the gods, potentially more judicious than Kimasot.

Personality Characteristics


Misngrat is motivated by her desire to remain indifferent. Even in a world as complex as the world of the gods, she made it her priority to remain neutral by means of staying far away from godly politics. Even Kimasot, viewed by many as the most neutral of the gods, did not stray from godly politics as much as Misngrat had.

Representation & Legacy

Fire is continuously worshiped on Torana for the strength and representation of justice it represents. Torana, even in its post-Deic period, still has cults dedicated to "Misga's Justice"
Divine Classification
Current Status
Somewhere in the galaxy created by Kramot
Dark red, slitted
Black, long, curly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white, soot blemishes and burns
8 feet 4 inches
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Like all gods, Misngrat was a speaker of the Celestial language.

Name Etymology

Misngrat is a combination of the Celestial root misngr /mɪsɛːŋɹ/ (fire) and the feminine honorific suffix -at

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