Archangel Species in Toriel | World Anvil


Archangels are the pinnacle of angels, celestial beings from the upper planes. They are powerful entities of light and goodness, embodying the highest virtues. As formidable adversaries of fiends and champions of righteousness, archangels stand as beacons of divine power. While a normal angel serves as a proxy for the divine, an archangel is seen as the embodiment of this divine power itself only second to the gods themselves.


All angels are manifestations of their gods' tenets. Archangels are the purest expression of this harmony. Some archangels have been worshiped by mortals. Archangels who accept this worship also expect fear from their faithful.
  There is only one archangel per deity, as their power reaches a pinnacle on the edge of godhood.


Physical features

Visually, archangels appear with more wings and stand more powerful than their normal kin and have been seen to wear far more intricate and individualized outfit or armor. Their outfit is a manifestation of their own spirit. Archangels were once indistinguishable in appearance from angels of lower hierarchies, with their distinction lying solely in their extraordinary power. However, after the betrayal of Amadeus and the fall of Zariel, who loved him, and the doubts surrounding Freya's faith, archangels were stripped of their faces. They now wear hoods or helmets that conceal shapeless dark masses without depth.
  This change was specifically applied to archangels because of their immense power and significance. Over time, acolytes have caught glimpses of archangels and reported their appearance to temples and churches. Various religions generally agree that the archangels' facelessness is a result of their divine perfection and our mortal minds being unable to comprehend their true form, perceiving only an abyss of darkness.

General Information

Scientific name
Geographic Distribution
Upper Planes


Average Lifespan
Small or Medium
Average Height
Average Weight



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