Rams Species in Toriel | World Anvil


Distinguished by their shaggy coats and massive horns, mountain rams are simple yet proud animals whose fearlessness is matched only by that of their dwarven masters. While these good-natured animals lack ferocity, they compensate with uncommon durability and strength. The thickness of their fur helps them withstand the cold biting winds and the sharp claws of the mountain beasts that populate the region.


Ram are a common mount of the dwarves, and the mount trainers of House Frozen have a tradition of etching their names onto the left horn of every battle ram they raise.


Physical features

Male rams will often smash their thick skulls against each other for hours to impress a female.

Mental traits

During thunderstorms, rams will hide behind anything larger than themselves.


Rams of the Frosted heights

Certain rams of the frosted heigths are magical, and they grow remarkable magical wool. This makes the beasts valuable, who use their wool for either protection or profit. Certain dwarven noble use those magical rams as mounts, but it is a rare prestige to ride such a magical beast.
  Magic Fleece. If someone shears a magical ram without damaging the creature, the fleece can be made into a magic garment. A wearer who is attuned to the garment, as to a magic item, receives magical power and protection.

General Information

Scientific name
Geographic Distribution
Frosted heights


Average Lifespan
87 years
Average Height
Average Weight


Cover image: Farewell by Greg Rutkowski


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