The Shift Military Conflict in Toriel | World Anvil

The Shift

The shift is a popular name to reference series of events during which the shifter were excluded, captured and hunted like animals by the chruch and the empire in 1059 AD.  


Early Segreagation

In 1059 AD with the rise of Manael Soliadon Tana as the empress, tensions between elves and humans reached a peak. To consolidate her power, Manael needed a target, someone to blame and divert attention from the internal strife. What better way to unite the people than through hatred? With the assistance of the Church of Waukeen, the shifters were turned into public enemies.   The shifter's blood, tainted by the curse of lycanthropy, had long been associated with bad luck and curses. It was easy for the church to blame them for the tensions in the empire. Leveraging its influence over the people, the Church of Waukeen launched a crusade against the shifters, declaring them evil and calling for their elimination.   A nationwide hunt commenced, with shifters being captured and imprisoned. Those who survived were forced into slave labor for the empire. Humans and elves worked together to eradicate them. The hunt expanded beyond the empire's borders, with crusaders sent to the wild lands of Green Earth to hunt and kill nomadic shifter tribes. However, this aggressive campaign stirred tensions with neighboring realms, leading to its eventual cessation. The resistance of shifters outside the empire's borders proved even more formidable.  

Internment Act

The Internment Act was the law passed by Tana's empire after the start of the crusade against shifters which call for all shifters to be taken to internment camps.   With the capture of Shumon, a leader of the shifter resistance, the surviving shifters scattered at the hands of Tana's empire. The Church of Waukeen Cardinal chose not to run them down, the empire took aggressive steps to contain the demoralized shifters. The triumphant humans, however, all but tore their empire apart on what to do with their defeated enemies. Many demanded their executions. They effectively settled on a sentence of life imprisonment, although disagreement and anger over the issue remained entrenched in politics for years to come.   A number of large internment camps meant to house the captive shifters were constructed in the roaring plains. Guarded by both templar of the church of Waukeen and the veteran soldiers of the empire, the camps proved to be a great success. Though the captive shifters were tense and anxious, the various camp wardens kept the peace and maintained a strong semblance of order.  

Fall of the internment camps

The crusade against the shifter continued until 1065 AD. The shifters were systematically captured and interned until the reign of Charle III Tana, who recocked the internment act in 1128 AD, the shifters imprisoned in the internment camps were freed and quickly fled away from the empire as the camps were dismantled.

The Shift

Basic Information



Extermination of the shifter


Shifter Tana's Empire



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Start Date
Ending Date

Cover image: Farewell by Greg Rutkowski


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