Greenest Settlement in Toril - The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Greenest was the only sizable town along the Uldoon Trail in the Greenfields area of the Western Heartlands.     The trade caravans that pass through Greenest bring gold to the town's merchants and craftsfolk, and Governer Nighthill runs the town at the behest of the inhabitants.   The main town consists of about 90 structures, including a Keep, several manor houses, a temple, inns and taverns, as well as many shops, businesses, and stables. At market times, the main square and the greens surrounding Keep Hill are filled with stalls and vendors hawking their wares. outlying farms, orchards, and small sheep and cattle ranches comprise the rest of the town. A long, slow-moving stream, Rocky Creek, winds its way along the southern edge of Greenest, the shallow waters flowing westward. It is too narrow, winding, and shallow for water travel.   The lands around Greenest are commonly called the Greenfields; a land of gently rolling hills and light forests of deciduous trees. Some place Greenest as a Sword Coast community, others a belonging in the Western Heartlands. As a trade town, Greenest truly belongs to both and neither.


The population of Greenest is predominantly human (82%), with a significant amount of halfling families and clans (8%), and a good amount of dwarves (5%), and a smattering of elves and half-elves (2% each), with the remaining races making up the rest (1%). Dragonborn are rare, though sometimes seen as guards on passing caravans. Tieflings are uncommon, but often travel up from the southern lands, passing through town; they are viewed with quiet suspicion and care is always taken when doing business with them. Gnomes are perhaps the least seen, though one gnome family operates The Rusty Breastplate tavern.   Even though Greenest claims 500 or more citizens as residents of the town proper, that total encompasses the farms and other homes that lie outside the town boundaries within an hour's walk (approx. 3 miles).   The 200+ citizens outside of the town proper reside mostly on the farms and steadings situated in the numerous small valleys comprising the Greenfields; most are within seven (7) miles of the town's walls. Mills, tanneries, stables, carters, wainwrights, coopers, brewers, and other industries vital to supporting a trade town can be found outside the town, but the most prominent are found within the town proper.


Ruled by a governor (Tarbaw Nighthill )


Greenest Keep   There are six fully employed town guards, simply called the Watch, who act as the local police. They wear chainmail armor and carry a spear, shortsword, and an iron-bound wooden shield embossed with Greenest's emblem. Two are off-duty while two of the remaining Watch are stationed at the Keep, while the remaining two attend to duties in the Keep or patrol the town. Castellan Escobert the Red is their direct commander, under the governor.   In times of need, Greenest can call upon up to 40 militia. These militia are required to maintain a suit of leather armor, a spear, and a dagger, and to report to training one day every month. Up to a half-dozen militia augment the Watch daily, for extra income.   Raids upon Greenest are rare, with less than dozen homesteads hit each year by goblins, kobolds, or occasional orcs. The last attack on the town itself was more than 15 years past by bandits more interested in a quick gain than any real raiding.

Industry & Trade

The trade caravans that pass through Greenest bring gold to the town's merchants and craftsfolk.   Greenest is primarily a trade town, though artisans and other craftsmen are as much a part of that trade as the ale, skins, produce, and livestock that travel down the Uldoon Trail into Amn and beyond, or north via Baldur's Gate and Elturel.  

Resources and Exports

Leather, Wine, Fruit, Grain, Meat (incl. cattle, hogs, chickens, and sheep), and finished craftwork.


The town was founded by the halfling Dharva Scatterheart, a rogue who saw herself as the queen of the Greenfields. She passed away without achieving such fame, but her town prospered and grew.


The lands around Greenest are commonly called the Greenfields; a land of gently rolling hills and light forests of deciduous trees.
Greenest Map
~300 with an additional 200 in the surrounding farms and hill country
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