House Uskevren Organization in Toril - The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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House Uskevren

Powerful merchant family of Selguant. Resides in Stormweather Towers.   House Uskevren (meaning "too bold to hide" in some forgotten tongue) are a noble family of Selgaunt who live primarily in Stormweather Towers.   Their house badge is a gold horse-head-and-fouled-anchor. Their money originally stockpiled through piracy, the family was nearly destroyed in the 1330s DR by rival families who discovered their illicit means of money-making.   The only surviving family member, Thamalon Uskevren , rebuilt the family fortune by buying and selling land, and then began sponsoring common folk. After this, the people of Selgaunt began to trust the Uskevren name again.  


Shamur Uskevren, Thamalon's wife Thamalon "Tamlin" Uskevren II, Thamalon's foppish first son Thazienne "Tazi" Uskevren, Thamalon's daughter Talbot "Tal" Uskevren, Thamalon's son Thamalon Uskevren, Aldimar's son Phaldinor Uskevren, the founder of the Uskevren as a noble family Thoebellon Uskevren, Phaldinor's wastrel first son Roel Uskevren, Phaldinor's son Tivamon Uskevren, Phaldinor's son Aldimar Uskevren, Thoebellon's son Ilrilteska Uskevren, Aldimar's wife Perivel Uskevren, Aldimar's first son Liferna Hedare, an adventurer known in certain circles as Shadow Wind, who married into waterdhavian nobility  


Primary among the Uskevren's enemies were those that helped nearly destroy them: the Soargyl, Talendar, Baerodreemer, Ithivisk, and Malveen.


In addition to Stormweather Towers, the Uskevrens had a blackstone (row-house clad in obsidian)  near the Way of the Manticore and another on Lurvin Street. They also owned a smaller home outside of the city, named Storl Oak.

Magical Items

Throughout the years, when there was doubt if someone was truly an Uskevren, the family used a magical cup called the Quaff of the Uskevren. Enchanted long ago by Helemgaularn of the Seven Lightnings to keep revelers from stealing his mead, its enchantments were later altered so that only one of the blood of the Uskevren could touch it bare-handed and not be instantly burned.


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