Transcendental Doorknob
Wondrous item, rare
You can use an action to put this portable doorknob on a
surface like a wall or a ceiling, and pronounce its command
word, which is engraved on the doorknob's back. The
doorknob immediately transmutes both sides of the surface
into a 5 ft. wide and 7 ft. high wooden door with golden hinges,
unless the surface you put the doorknob on is smaller than this
dimensions, or if both sides are more than 5 ft. appart, in which
case the door cannot be opened.
The door doesn't have a knob on its other side but can be
opened if you speak the command word of the doorknob. A
creature that doesn't know the command word cannot open
the door from any side and cannot remove the doorknob from
the surface. When removed from it, the door disappears as the
surface reverts back to its original aspect.
If you possess the key of a particular door of approximatively
similar proportions you can insert it into the keyhole and create
a portal between the two doors as long as they are within 1
mile of each other for as long as the doorknob is not removed.
In this case you can open the door created by the doorknob
even if it is created on a surface thicker than 5 ft.