Fârdr’ Spvárdì-lokur

Fârdr’ Spvárdì-lokur (a.k.a. Gemini)

Gemini was found as a baby at the door of two bards from the city of Omu in chult. Her parents were originally from the north, farther north than most of the swordcost would care to consider habitable. They moved south to live out a retirement at a surprisingly young age. Gemini developed a knack for singing, it turned out she could influence reality around her by singing or playing music. She had stayed in a single form until about the age of 15 when she realized she could shape shift, she kept this between herself and her parents. During a performance for a group of travelers looking for recruits for a bards college she sang an exquisite song that made reality tear at the seams allowing her to glimpse her true home on Eberron, and caused her to revert to her true form. She was cast out from Omu for being a “doppelgänger”, much to the chagrin of her parents. She wandered Chult for a decade in the guise of a male minstrel picking up cultural curiosities and developing a study of the humanoid condition. eventually she happened across a text preserved by strange woodland pygmies detailing a plane called Ebberon, described similarly to the place she saw in her vision. It was said that there was a place called undermountain which could possess a method of returning to her true home. Deciding to make an attempt to sneak back to Omu and tell her adoptive parents what she intended to do, she arrived at the city in a massive cataclysm and attempted to find her parents. She only found her parents charred corpses though. She attempted to sing to the weave to reverse what happened, she sang and eventually screamed for hours on end, which eventually broke her voice. After that Whenever she attempted to sing to the weave something unexpected and unwanted happened. Robbed of her adoptive parents, and her signing voice. She headed to waterdeep in a possibly vain attempt to find a way to the only thing she had left, Ebberon. On the way there she had a brief romance with a monster hunter called Jesse. In the end Jesse ended up not only ditching her in Phandalin for someone else, but sending members of the Mulmaster monster hunter guild after her claiming she was a doppelgänger. After dispatching the almost certainly malicious group of monster hunters, she learned that those in the North were no less xenophobic towards shapeshifters than southern folk. Gemini ended up performing with the lyre at a inn by the moniker of the yawning portal, amassing knowledge and resources to delve into the dungeon below, undermountain. She was eventually picked out as a shape shifter by a Harper named Glacé and promptly recruited. Glacé has proven to be manipulative many times, but seemed to have both the Harper’s and Gemini’s best interest at heart. Glacé has a habit of “sending” to her at odd times asking strange questions she usually doesn’t have the answer for. Glacé is an ice Genasi transmutation wizard who specializes in the more Zhentarim-esque Harpers operations. On Gemini’s first birthday with the Harpers, Glacé gave her a pseudodragon egg. She hatched it and it has become her constant friend. After thwarting gangs and evil politicians for the Harpers she is finally ready to go into undermountain, she just needs a competent, strong adventuring party to come through, and so she plays at the Portal waiting for just a group. As of late, she has heard of a group of adventurers who work at a different tavern, rumors of a strange artifact sitting in the common room have left her even more curious. But playing at the portal combined with their knack for being somewhere else has left her preoccupied.   She always goes by Gemini when not in her true form, that’s the name her adoptive parents gave her. In spite of genuinely believing she is a doppelgänger she prefers the term changling. Most believe her to be either human or half elf depending on her form.   When Gemini is in her true form she has starchy white hair, whiter skin, red eyes and is 5.8 tall. She is true neutral, preferring pragmatic solutions at hand. She retains a sense of hesitancy and prefers diplomacy to combat. She still loves jokes though and is prone to outbursts if someone makes an unkind remark about music or those she cares about. She loses her strong sense of morals in exchange for a self determined view of treating each situation as she feels is needed and is best for her and those she cares about. In this form she is scottish   Regardless of her form she wears a maleable form fitting chitinsteel clothe with performers clothes over them and a glimmerweave cloak that reveals the Harpers sigil when the word “phosphine” is spoken. She wears two uthgar marriage rings on both of her ring fingers, these belonged to her parents.   Personality: Practical, skeptical, and inquisitive; these are necessary traits to survival. I’m shy, partially by choice, partially because solids scare me.   Ideals: if you don’t push back, the world will decide your fate. Music is a language all can understand, the good, the bad, everyone in between.   Bond: I must find out how I drifted from Ebberon, and I must go back. I have to find my singing voice again, somehow. I respect those who can sing well, regardless of who they are. Vidav my pseudodragon is someone I can confide in. I trust no one more than he.   Flaws: the whole of civilization hates me. I fear my music is garbage and people just are being kind when they applauded. I have a vivid fear of explosions and loud sounds unless it’s music.

A shy changeling ariamancer who’s tongue, wit, and blade are equally as sharp. Inquisitive, practical, and very Scottish, this bladesinger is a long way from home.

View Character Profile
True Neutral (Chaotic leaning as of the alternate timeline)
Date of Birth
Unknown, she is around 25
Gender fluid/Female
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5.8-6.3 variable
Highly variable


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