Nilae Aquaria Astelle

Nilae Aquaria Astelle (a.k.a. Nini)

Nilae Aquaria Astelle is an archivist within the Cobalt Soul who has dedicated her life to preserving and telling the stories of old.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Nilae is a sea elf of above average height and a curvy build. She has light blue-green skin and long, slightly curly dark green hair that reaches her mid back.

Body Features

Nilae has fins on her calves and lower arms, and her fingers and toes are both webbed. She has a set of gills on her neck, and a scattering of light blue scales across her legs, arms, stomach, and cheeks.

Facial Features

Two white swirls curve under her eyes, which are dark brown. Her ears are long, pointed, and finned.

Identifying Characteristics

Nilae's entire body is covered in intricate white swirls that serve as tribal markings. She has a single white streak that runs through her hair.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nilae was born in a sea elf colony off the Menagerie Coast, though her thirst for knowledge soon after led her to seek out travel and education beyond her pod-- furthering her studies at an academic institution and eventually landing a position as an archivist with the Cobalt Soul. She grew up infatuated with stories of old heroes and has always dreamed of being the firsthand archivist for a hero's adventures. After the research expedition she was part of was caught in a mysterious, world-hopping whirlpool during an archaeological dive, however, Nilae and her companions were whisked away to Faerun somewhere along the Sword Coast. And though her companions are eager to find their way home, Nilae has less of a rush-- with a whole new world to explore, and brand new stories to learn falling right in her lap, she's more eager to take her time and explore.

Gender Identity

Nilae identifies as a woman. She/her pronouns.


Nilae is pansexual.


Nilae has spent most of-- if not her entire life-- studying. A decent amount of that time was spent in academic institutions, but the bulk of it has been spent actively working on research expeditions and in the Cobalt Soul's extensive archives. Though she rarely saw combat, she still trained in the arcane arts and as a cleric whose first and foremost concern is keeping her companions-- and their historical findings-- safe.


Nilae has worked a few different jobs, though none have lasted so long as her work with the Cobalt Soul. She often joins research expeditions and works in the field, recording their findings firsthand, though she has also done small mercenary jobs (i.e. fetch quests) to make extra coin here and there.

Intellectual Characteristics

Nilae is first and foremost inquisitive-- if there's a mystery, she wants to be right there investigating and taking notes.

Morality & Philosophy

Nilae is of a Neutral Good alignment. Though her research is indispensible to her, she would be willing to throw it aside for the sake of helping someone in danger, etc. She is no stranger to helping drowning sailors off the coast and if there's ever someone in trouble she's typically very compelled to help.

Personality Characteristics


Nilae is primarily driven by her passion for history and lore-- though her want to help others also drives her.

Likes & Dislikes

Nilae loves a good "sea" pun... or, any kind of pun, really. The worse and more groan inducing, the better!

Virtues & Personality perks

Though she is somewhat shy Nilae is generally cheerful and well-meaning, and is highly passionate about her work. She's prone to rambling about the thesis she's working on for her research study on ancient ruins-- though that also means that if you're ever in need of some background noise, once you set her off talking about ancient ruins, Nilae has got your back. She's extremely polite and will apologize during a battle if she accidentally bumps into someone.

Vices & Personality flaws

Nilae lacks confidence in herself-- most notably in her combat abilities, and as such she tends to worry a lot about if she's helpful or not. Though she prefers to always assume the best in people, this can also get her into trouble and even danger. She's much more comfortable with the idea of working in the back of the archives than she is in large groups of people.


Contacts & Relations

The Cobalt Soul Coral (Expedition leader)

A perpetually curious sea elf historian with an endless thirst for knowledge.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
209 years old
Menagerie Coast
Dark green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light bluish green
159 lbs
Known Languages
Aquan, Common, Primordial, Sylvan


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