The Grinning Dragon

Founded in 1492 DR, The Grinning Dragon is a newly created adventuring guild under the management of a yuan-ti pureblood warlock named Io  who was apart of the adventuring party known as The Pack that took down the Vampire Lord Strahd von Zarovich and returned the lands of Barovia to Toril. It is also run and worked by the rest of the said party. The Grinning Dragon seeks to provide aid and jobs to adventurers along the Sword Coast in terms of lodging, job, training, and special guild pricing for various items. They also have an open tavern for travelers or those who seek good food. Io recently has retired from adventuring and now is set up full-time at the main desk for all those who are seeking work, a place to stay, food to eat or even questions about her patron Nathair Sgiathach.   The guild is registered under the City of Waterdeep and the Lords' Council. The guild is also registered with Blackstaff Tower for a permanent teleportation circle and has been granted the ability to keep their teleporting sigil for guild members only.

Purpose / Function

The purpose of the guild is to create a fresh and new adventuring guildhall for new and experienced adventurers of all specialities and races.


The building currently has a:
  • Permanent Teleportation Circle
  • Worshipping Spaces
  • Lodgings for members and senior members
  • Stables for horses and livestock
  • A magically reinforced laboratory for alchemical and arcane creations.
  • A meeting room for guild jobs or missions
  • Common Room area for customers and members
  • A magically sealed stock room that can only be accessed with magical means.


The style of this building is made from solid wood and stained dark brown. It is freshly created so there is no wear and tear noticeable in the walls or structure yet. It is a two-story building with a fenced pasture in the back and other small lodging buildings on the grounds.


No history yet.
Founding Date
1492 DR
Parent Location
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization


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