2024 Rules Updates

Season 2 Rule & Mechanic Updates   New Features
  • Hunger pains, exhaustion from not eating or sleeping
  • Automatic inspiration for acts in accordance with the background specified for each character
  • Bastions (DMG 2024)
  • Crime, punishment and bounties
  • Collectibles (maps)
  • Spellcasting services (DMG 2024)
  • Respec NPC (1 opportunity per season, if found and unlocked)
  • Combo attacks (spell, melee, ranged) rules (Ryoko's)
  • New crafting rules 2024 (crafting list for each tool) OR Ryoko's guide to manufacturing
  • Ryokos Guide - Combo attacks, weapon masteries, manufacturing and enchanting + tool/item creation table, kaiju mechanics (for later seasons), new equipment (hookshot, smokebomb, parachute)
  • Iterative Rules & Updates
  • Opportunity Shoves, no opportunity attacks against allies
  • Despair table
  • Inspiration update for Heroic Inspiration vs Personal Inspiration
  • Range for when xp is delivered
  • Stunned Movement
  • Swapping weapons or shields still bonus action
  • Hands required for spellcasting +verbal/somatic/material components
  • Telepathic communication rules
  • Hidden vs Invisible
  • Concentration rules for temp hitpoints
  • Grappling, attacking while grappling, movement while grappling remains at half speed keeping legacy feat
  • Helping hand (BG3 v 5e v realism)
  • Scrolls; casting at higher levels, single use, costs to transcribe into a book or copy
  • Detect good and evil, detect magic, magic awareness
  • Mixed initiative trial for sequential combat
  • Surprise (5e update)
  • Plot point update
  • Only player characters at 0hp lingering injuries with three death saving throws, party NPC's will get one death saving throw and lingering injuries, non-party NPC's will not receive death saving throws and will die upon 0 hp.
  • Voluntarily failing saving throws
  • Crafting scrolls (2024)
  • multiple levelled spells per turn in 5e, one spell per spell slot level per turn in 5.5e
  • Enchanted bestiary
  • Cover (1/2, 3/4, full cover vs hidden), shooting from cover
  •   PHB 2024
  • Feature to turn legacy backgrounds into 2024 backgrounds
  • Epic boons or capstone feats are fine and can be unlocked between lvl 16-20
  • Find familiar/summon steed/beast companion/wild shape
  • Weapon properties, stacking attack properties (dual wield/TWF), repeating save, multiple saves effect on momentum OR Ryokos guide weapon masteries (more depth)
  • Spell mechanics 5e: suggestion still needs to be reasonable, permanent true polymorph, see invisibility removes disadvantage when attacking invisible creatures
  • Potions as bonus action
  • invisibility 5.5 (if a creature can see you, ignores disadvantage)
  • Pending DNDBeyond updates
  • 2024 class changes alternate rules available for legacy characters (to switch once) or new characters
  • 2024 Feats, origin feats, legacy 2014 feats, no half feats at lvl 1
  • spell list categories (arcane, primal, divine)
  • Multiclassing rules (no starting equipment, channel divinity, extra attack, unarmoured defense, spellcasting)
  •   Species (2024 Updates)
  • Aasimar
  • Gnome
  • Dragonborn
  • (Half Elf)
  • Elf
  • Dwarf
  • Human
  •   Classes (2024 Updates)
  • Barbarian
  • Bard
  • Rogue
  • Sorcerer
  • Paladin
  •   Tips
  • Try not to ask for skill checks, describe what you want to do and how, and then the DM will advise if a skill check is required
  • Consider your words carefully while roleplaying, they may be taken at face value.
  • You are not limited to your class abilities, through roleplay it is possible to pursue a variety of skills and abilities, though this route will almost always require significant work from the character and will remain at the discretion of the DM
  • Class abilities are not always available upon level up as a result of 'story blocks' - additional requirements that need to be resolved in-game via roleplay. Proactively planning for roleplay opportunities to gain these abilities with the DM outside of the game will usually result in the most efficient way to go.
  • Healing potions and healing items provide important aid when an ally goes down in combat
  • post world anvil world link
  • post rules discussion article, also accessible via the adventurer's guide
  • ask for Dan, Ace, Brandon 2 for their emails to get invites to campaign
  • ask Lonnie, Zebadi to check they still have access
  • ask Dan and Brandon to create their new chatacters
  • link to discussion boards here, also accessible via the world page; https://www.worldanvil.com/w/toril-dmaku/discussion-boards

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