Sessie 1

General Summary

Session 1
  In an age of realms intertwined by the threads of destiny, our tale commences with the convergence of four disparate souls, united not by chance. They find themselves ensnared within a tapestry of adventure, the scope of which they could never have foreseen – a journey that may well mark their ultimate reckoning.
  As a mysterious woman, shrouded in the veils of her enigmatic past, crosses their path. Amidst the enigmatic woods, they chance upon each other's presence, with tendrils of mist nipping at their heels, propelled by an unseen malevolence. Stripped of much of their earthly possessions, their path leads them to a dwelling, an abode nestled within the heart of the wilderness.
Within this refuge, they encounter two young children, Rose and Thorne. A plea for aid parts their lips. The valiant Seraphiel, a paragon of nobility, takes up the mantle of confronting the very monstrosity that the children's quivering voices have unveiled. Yet, it is a pact sealed with a promise – to recover their lost sibling, Walter. The Durst
  Through every chamber explored, every corner illuminated, their relentless pursuit leaves no secret untold, revealing the sinister legacy of the Durst lineage. A cultish devotion, in their hubris thinking they brought forth Strahd, the devil, to the dread realm of Barovia themselfs but nothing could be further from the truth. Sacrifices abound, their desperation to ensnare the perfect victim knew no bounds.
  Mr. Durst, grapples with remorse as his heart finds solace in the embrace of a lowly handmaiden. From their love, a son, Walter, emerges. Yet, in the eyes of Mrs. Durst, this infant becomes the object of her loathing, propelling her towards an abyssal decision of unimaginable consequence.
  Our valiant party encounters the spectral figure of the handmaiden. "All specters are vessels of evil" Seraphiel proclaims with conviction, and thus he striked the poor lost soul down.
  In their odyssey, the companions also cross paths with Lancelot, a canine compatriot. The creature becomes a steadfast ally, endearing itself most to the noble Argentus, who elects to take the creature along instead of keeping it locked up safely in the room.
  Together, they stand witness to a grim tableau – the lifeless forms of the children, their innocence forever stolen. Venturing into the abyss below, they dare to tread where shadows are born and ghouls are bred, in a quest to rescue Walter and to close the curtain on Lady Durst's malefic tale. The party inches ever closer to the final confrontation with the matriarch of darkness herself – Lady Durst, who beckons them forth with a baleful, chilling voice that promises the climax of this epic saga.
  Notable items:
    • The deed to a windmill-Argentus
    • A silvered shortsword-Seraphiel
    • Spellscroll Bless, protection from poison, spiritual weapon-Seraphiel


  Kolyan Indirovich Burgomaster letter
  Death House Handouts
  NOTABLE NPCs: The Durst
Report Date
17 Aug 2023


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