Sessie 10-11

General Summary

After Smirnoff's demise, the party finally arrived at the enigmatic tower of Kazan, a place pulsating with magical energy. Kanzan, the formidable mage who called the tower home, seemed to have accumulated a vast array of mystical artifacts made of amber within its walls.   Their exploration began with the discovery of a Vistani wagon, prominently featuring the name "Ezmerelda d'Avenir." Intrigued, the party delved inside to uncover not only an assortment of dresses, disguises, and wigs but also a booby-trapped wagon. Skillfully dismantling the trap, they revealed 10 flasks of Alchemist's Fire, adding to their arsenal.   Further investigation yielded a trove of valuable items, including a vampire killer kit complete with a cross, stake, silver necklace, and more. Silver bolts and assorted weapons were also discovered. The party's loot expanded further with the acquisition of two spell scrolls: Circle of Truth (utilized in a later session) and Scroll of Major Image.   Undeterred by the tower's defenses, the party pressed on, encountering golems crafted from shimmering amber imbued with magical properties. Argentus's SB hinted at a sense of déjà vu, cautioning the group to proceed carefully. Ascending to the tower's zenith, they stumbled upon a meticulously arranged study, filled with clues leading to Von Richters JournalThis invaluable document recounted the exploits of the famed monster hunter, Von Richter, known for his myriad guides on monster-slaying.   The study, however, held more than just Von Richter's legacy; it hinted at the presence of Rictavio. Clues such as a plate inscribed with his name, fabric reminiscent of his attire, a bracelet belonging to the missing Arabella, and a Tarot card depicting the Hooded One unfolded a tale of mystery and intrigue. Additionally, a curious detail emerged—a peculiar monkey's presence, leaving behind evidence akin to that found in Blinsky's abode.   Deciding to exit the tower, the party's departure was marked by Argentus unleashing SB, absorbing the entire study in a cataclysmic event that brought the tower crumbling down. As the dust settled, the party faced amber golems beneath the wreckage. What initially seemed like a dire situation turned in their favor, thanks to SB's intervention. As SB took over Argentus his body and layed waste to the golum using the sucked up magic he had gathered from eating the tower. The Golum tried to run in horror from SB but he was shot down in the end by Nina. The party, battered but triumphant, encountered a young barbarian who guided them to Jenny Greentheet, a peculiar yet caring blind healer residing in the woods. She greeted the party while dealing some grandmotherly care onto the party. Taking a liking to Seraphiel she even healed the stuborn man.   Jenny extended her healing touch to the party, demonstrating a keen awareness of MeNA's parasitic affliction eating away into MeNA's mind and sanity. Jenny told about her Sister that used to take care of the source of the Parasite on Yester Hill.   This led to a revelation about her quest to locate her sister, captured by the malevolent Baba Yaga in the sunken town of Berez—a place steeped in tragedy due to Strahd's wrath. Berez, now a mere memory, met its demise when Strahd, in a fit of wrath, submerged the town into the murky marches. This tragic event unfolded after the red-haired woman he loved met a grim fate at the hands of her father and the townspeople. Driven by a desperate hope to spare her from a life as Strahd's wife, they took the drastic measure of killing her.   Enraged, Strahd unleashed a flood that obliterated the town. In the aftermath, Jenny and her sister ventured to Berez with the intent of locating survivors and rescuing those who endured the cataclysm. Unfortunately, Strahd, determined to ensure the town's obliteration, dispatched his Godmother to conclude the grim task. Jenny managed to escape the devastation, albeit at the cost of her eyesight. Tragically, her sister remains ensnared in the clutches of the malevolent Baba Yaga.( The mist descended as Jenny shared her tale, and the party found themselves drawn into individual encounters.   Nina communed with an eldritch entity, seeking more power to influence Strahd. Issuing his command once more, the eldritch entity directed Nina to weave her intrigues around the vampire, steering him back onto the proper path as he had veered too far from his customary course. In describing Strahd, the entity depicted him as a feeder, a hunter, and a monstrous force. Nina, in turn, was cast in the roles of a carrot, a mere tool, and prey in the intricate dance of manipulation.   During their discourse, Nina broached the topic of Argentus's amber, provoking a furious response from Ezra. He vehemently declared that this domain belonged exclusively to him and that the Vampyr, Strahd, was under his dominion. The exchange revealed not only the volatile dynamics within Barovia but also the intricate power struggles among the supernatural entities vying for control over this mysterious realm.   In an ethereal encounter, Seraphiel found himself bathed in celestial light, facing the stark reality of his faltering faith. A divine emissary of the Morning Lord materialized, sternly addressing Seraphiel for the severed connection with the celestial powers he once wielded. The celestial being revealed that Seraphiel had been cast out of Celestia for the crimes he committed, and the weight of the innocents who perished due to his actions bore heavily on his celestial ledger.   Expressing bewilderment at Seraphiel's chosen amnesia, the celestial entity shared poignant memories of their joint celestial battles on the front lines. With a touch of sarcasm, he speculated that perhaps the Morning Lord might entertain forgiveness if Seraphiel could accomplish the seemingly impossible task of defeating another fallen angel confined within this plane.   The celestial guide then directed Seraphiel toward Krezk, a town situated on the border of Barovia, before departing, leaving Seraphiel to grapple with the weight of his past and the daunting mission that lay ahead.   The journey continued towards Vallaki, where encounters with travelers emitting an odd scent of wet dogs raised suspicions. These travelers warned of a madwoman named Ezmerelda d'Avenir was cutting down "innocent" people. Their sincerity seemed dubious, upon laying eyes on the party's array of silvered weapons, the travelers swiftly grasped the group's capacity for self-defense. Acknowledging the formidable arsenal, the travelers wisely chose to abandon their dubious stance and departed, recognizing the party as a force to be reckoned with.   Attempting to enter Vallaki, the party faced beggars redirecting them to Victoria Von Holz. She relayed the Baron's intent to round them up, advising against entering through the gates. With magical assistance from Victoria, the party infiltrated Vallaki. However, their covert entry was compromised, leading to a skirmish with guards. MeNA's intervention resulted in the death of two guards, escalating tensions.   The party stopped by the Church of Saint Andreal to figure out where the bones of Saint Andreal dissipeared to. They Investigated the catacombs but only investigated the grave of Saint Andreal. Here they found clues that Milovic, the church gravedigger that lives in the Orphanages probably took the bones.   Their next destination, the Bluewater Inn, became a focal point for the party's investigation into Rictavio's involvement with the missing Vistani girl, Arabella. They drilled a hole into his room to look at him. Rictavio quickly noticed and tried to flee but the inn was already surrounded and nobody was to be let out. Some patrons had ratted the party out and now the inn was surrounded. In a display of creative distraction, the party utilized stolen spoons from the burgermasters house, implicating Rictavio for this seemingly petty crime by putting them in his room. They also left Argentus behind as he had never met the baron and was not associated with them.   The inn's owner, Urwin Martikov, stood by the party's side, challenging the overzealous guard Iza. Nevertheless, Urwin found himself a captive, taken to the courthouse alongside the party for an uncertain fate.
Report Date
24 Nov 2023


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