Sessie 12

General Summary

Left to his own devices, Argentus exercised discretion by concealing himself within Rictavio's room. Skillfully evading detection, he observed the clandestine actions of Bram and Broy Martikov, the sons of Danika and Urwin. The duo surreptitiously ascended a secret passage situated at the top of their quarters.
  Argentus, keeping a watchful eye, smoothly navigated his way out of the inn. As an observer, he witnessed the unfolding events where the guards, perhaps misled by the stolen silver spoons, connected the alleged theft to Rictavio, unwittingly laying the groundwork for a web of intrigue and suspicion.
  Emerging into uncertainty, Argentus found himself confronted by a big shadowy, enigmatic figure who soon unveiled herself as Victoria. Urgently inquiring about Beatrice (Nina), Argentus recounted the day's events. Victoria, sensing the gravity of the situation, implored him to accompany her to the courtroom, emphasizing the heightened likelihood that they had been apprehended.
  In a whispered urgency, Victoria disclosed the Baron's nefarious use of mind control, describing the unsettling practice where the phrase "All is well" echoed as a chilling mantra among guards and inhabitants alike. Acknowledging the perilous circumstances, Argentus joined Victoria.
  The party was ushered into the courtroom, where the Baron presided as both judge and a solitary juryman. This theatrical presentation aimed to underscore the Baron's dominance over the town, a visual assertion of his unparalleled authority. It served as a stark reminder that Vallaki, under his rule, was a realm where dissent and discontent were strictly forbidden, an embodiment of his absolute control.
  Victoria discreetly informed Argentus of the four potential outcomes of the trial, each carrying its own weight of consequence:
  Condemnation to the Stocks: Public shaming in the town square. Assigned to those who displayed public signs of sadness, abstained from attending festivals, or spoke ill of the burgomaster.
  Reformation Program Level 1: Reserved for those who committed theft or minor offenses. A program designed for rehabilitation and correction.
  Reformation Program Level 2: Assigned to individuals involved in serious crimes or actively working against the interests of the town. A more stringent and severe form of rehabilitation.
  Ultimate Consequence - Capital Punishment: Reserved for unspeakable crimes such as murder. The condemned would either face hanging outside the town walls or become the macabre highlight of upcoming festivals.
  The Baron proudly dubbed this place a "reformation center," a term that belied the ominous reality within its walls. Both guards and criminals found themselves confined here, subjected to a cruel regimen of torture and mind control in the name of reform. The Baron's twisted vision unfolded with unsettling clarity as he utilized a pair of adventurers, who had sought refuge in Vallaki after a defeat by Strahd left them mentally and physically scarred.
  Referred to by the Baron as "nurses" and a "doctor," these two elves and the lone human were far from the benevolent healers their titles suggested. Instead, their interactions with the inmates were deeply disturbing, leaving an indelible mark on those unfortunate enough to be subject to their presence. The reformation center, with its veneer of rehabilitation, concealed a dark underbelly where torment and manipulation became tools for the Baron's quest for control and compliance.
  The woman the party encountered upon their arrival in Vallaki, seeking justice for her son who had been broken by the reformation center, unveiled a clandestine plot within the town. She spoke of a growing rebellion against the oppressive rule of the burgomaster. Having witnessed firsthand the horrors inflicted by the reformation center, she hinted at a promise to bring a new dawn to Barovia. The symbolism of making the sun rise again over this gloomy land suggested a longing for liberation and the restoration of hope. The seeds of resistance had been sown, and the winds of change whispered through Vallaki, carrying with them the uprising against the tyrannical rule of the burgomaster.
  In the culmination of the trial, the Baron finally acknowledged the party's presence and summoned his servant girl to the stand. A somber atmosphere enveloped the courtroom as the servant girl, also the wife of Alek the guard and mother to his children, stepped forward. The weight of her predicament was palpable, and Alek, seemingly unswayed, stoically accepted the unfolding events, murmuring the unsettling mantra of "all is well" to himself.
  The impact on the children, however, was starkly evident. Tears streamed down their faces as they clutched the toy gifted to them by the party. The courtroom, a stage for the Baron's authoritarian display, bore witness to the emotional toll exacted on a family caught in the web of the burgomaster's control.
  The Burgomaster, maintaining an unwavering gaze on Nina, articulates the case surrounding the alleged theft of silver spoons from his residence. During the inquiry, the servant, under his employ, accuses Nina of the theft. The Burgomaster, however, swiftly dismisses this accusation, deeming it absurd that a woman of noble stature would engage in such petty larceny. In a calculated move, he brands the servant as a liar. The Burgomaster speculates that the servant is, in fact, telling the truth but is leveraging the accusation to impress on Nina. This strategic move serves to flex his influence, display his dominance, and safeguard the impending marriage proposal between Nina and his son, all while maintaining a watchful eye on the proceedings.
  As Rictavio is brought into the courtroom, the guards present an apparent breakthrough – the missing spoons were discovered in his room. The Burgomaster, visibly puzzled, grapples with the unfolding situation, unsure of how to proceed. At this critical juncture, the party seizes the moment, stepping forward with a grave accusation.
  They assert that Rictavio is not only responsible for the alleged theft but is, in fact, a kidnapper of children. Connecting him to the recent disappearances, the party goes on to weave a chilling narrative: Rictavio, they claim, transports the children to the windmill, intending to deceive the Burgomaster into an attack on the hags residing there. To substantiate their case, the party presents the sign discovered in Kazan's tower and recounts their own harrowing experience of being held at the windmill, alleging it to be a gruesome slaughterhouse for the abducted children.    
  The courtroom atmosphere becomes charged with tension as the party's accusations cast a shadow over Rictavio, and the Burgomaster is left to grapple with the gravity of the allegations against the once-suspected thief.
  As the party's narrative unfolds, the Burgomaster keenly listens, detecting the inconsistencies in their story. The tension in the courtroom thickens, and a pivotal moment arrives when MeNA, compelled by a strange internal sensation, confesses to the presence of hags operating from the windmill.
  A sudden chill courses through Nina's body, and a peculiar alert resonates within MeNA's system. The Burgomaster, seemingly disturbed by the revelation, deems it enough evidence. Without further ado, he delivers a resounding slap to Rictavio's face, dislodging the hat of disguise, revealing the true identity beneath—a well-groomed, older gentleman.
  "I am Rudolph Von Richter," declares the man who had previously masqueraded as Rictavio. "I did harbor a child, but I am no child killer." The courtroom, now ensnared in a web of conflicting accounts, awaits the Burgomaster's judgment on this unexpected turn of events.
  In the aftermath of the shocking revelation, Iza, the enigmatic guard, interrogates Rudolph Von Richter about the missing guardsman. Von Richter, glancing back at the party with realization, discerns that MeNA was responsible for the guard's demise. With his cover now exposed, Von Richter swiftly assesses the precarious situation. Recognizing the party's capability as they've not only reached the tower but infiltrated it, he concludes that drastic measures are required to salvage his mission.
  Acknowledging the charges against him, Von Richter takes full responsibility for the guards' fate, asserting that he was spying on the party in an attempt to implicate them in the crimes. In an unexpected turn, he vouches for the party's innocence, a move meant to deflect suspicion and sow confusion.
  However, just as he is about to be taken into custody, Von Richter executes a desperate maneuver. He lunges at MeNA, feigning an attack on the party, creating a diversion. Amidst the chaos, he seizes the opportunity to whisper something to MeNA,
  "The Vistani girl is in great danger. Vampires are looking for her. She is being kept safe in my wagon at Blinsky. Go there quickly and save the girl."
  As the chaos in the courtroom begins to settle, Von Richter is pacified by the nurses using a suggestion spell, rendering him compliant and susceptible to further interrogation. The Burgomaster, seizing the moment, proclaims his judgment with a chilling decree:
  "Rictavio will burn at the Festival of the Burning Sun as a beacon to keep out evil."
  The weight of the sentence hangs heavily in the air, and the gravity of the impending spectacle at the Festival of the Burning Sun underscores the Burgomaster's unwavering determination to assert his authority and maintain control over Vallaki.
  Urwin Martikov, the innkeeper of the Bluewater Inn, faces his sentence in the courtroom. With some deft intervention from the party, he manages to secure a more lenient punishment, receiving only a fine. However, the outcome leaves him visibly embarrassed and deflated, particularly in the wake of Von Richter's fate.
  As Urwin departs the courtroom, he accepts the party's assistance but seems to harbor resentment and blame toward them for Von Richter's downfall. There is a lingering sense that Urwin might have known more about Rictavio than he initially let on.
  Victoria, visibly relieved that Beatrice (Nina) is unharmed, expresses a singular focus on her well-being. Unperturbed by the courtroom drama and the unfolding events, she declares her intention to wait outside. Silently, she slips away from the courtroom and fades into the shadows, positioning herself as a vigilant guardian.
  The party successfully persuades the Burgomaster to allow them access to the reformation center for an interrogation of Rictavio. While he agrees to show them the upper part of the prison, he staunchly refuses to grant access to level 2, citing his own reluctance to venture there. With a seemingly casual smile, he addresses accusations of torture, downplaying them as necessary tools to enforce justice and maintain order. In the Burgomaster's eyes, these harsh measures appear as essential components of a system that he believes serves the greater good. The party, now navigating the grim corridors of the reformation center, is left to confront the harsh realities and moral ambiguities woven into the fabric of Vallaki's justice system.
  As the party encounters the warped elves and the woman within the reformation center, the haunting traces of their own tortured pasts etched onto their masked and burned visages, a chilling atmosphere pervades the room. These once-victims, now turned tormentors, wield mental torture as a tool to inflict suffering on others.
  The party, seeking information from Rictavio, employs spells like "dream" and "modify memory" to pry into the depths of his mind. However, they soon realize that the warped elves and the woman have only just begun their cruel practices, and the true extent of the mental torment is yet to unfold.
  Argentus, in a bid to extract information from Von Richter's mind, persuades the tormentors to allow him to use his Amber. As the Amber connects with Von Richter's consciousness, the pain escalates, but Von Richter, resilient and determined, pushes past the torment. In a surreal and agonizing exchange, he reveals the memories to Argentus, laying bare the events that had transpired.
  Von Richter, through the Amber-infused connection with Argentus, unfolds a harrowing tale.
"Months earlier, during an attack on Castle Ravenloft, he identifies a man named Esher as the betrayer who alerted Strahd to their presence. Esher's treachery earns him the reward of being turned into a vampire spawn. Von Richter engages in a fierce battle within the castle, managing to escape the clutches of Strahd and his brides. (he did not show how to Argentus). In a twist of fate, Von Richter encounters Esher again while hunting in the vicinity of Kazan's Tower. Observing Esher with a Vistani and a bag containing a struggling child, memories of his son's tragic fate at the hands of Vistani. (read the journal)
  This drive him into action. In a swift and decisive move, he beheads the Vistani and attempts the same on Esher, leaving a grievous scar across his face. Esher, wounded but not defeated, manages to escape.
  Von Richter takes the rescued girl, Arabella, under his protection, harboring her in Kazan's Tower. Arabella, aware of the scrying dangers, advises him to use the conspicuous Carnival of Wonders as a shield, employing an enchantment from Kazan's tower to safeguard the wagon. Thus, Rictavio emerges, the carnival showman, concealing Arabella in plain sight within the intricately painted wagon, shielded from prying eyes by both magic and misdirection. Sometimes the best disguise is beeing the loudest thing in the room, this he learned from a former pupil of his, Ezmerelda d'Avenir. His last thoughts are of Ezmeralda before he give in into the pain"
  The party, facing the overwhelming force of the reformers and the authority of the Baron, reluctantly decides to leave Von Richter in his dire predicament. As they depart, the sinister sounds of renewed torture echo behind them, marking Von Richter's continued suffering.
  The Baron, seizing the opportunity, assigns the party a new mission. He informs them of a rebellion allegedly led by Lady Wachter and suspects her of being a minion for Strahd. Tasking the party with proving her malevolence, the Baron urges them to gather evidence to bring Lady Wachter to justice. In return, he pledges to provide the party with the necessary reinforcements after the Festival of the Burning Sun to confront and eliminate the hags.
  The party, guided by the information from Von Richter's memories, successfully locates Arabella in a wagon next to Blinsky's shop. Alongside her, they encounter the spectral presence of Erasmus, the ghost boy they had previously met in Viktor's attic after the encounter with the ghosts. The party also realises that Erasmus is Von Richter's dead son.
  Erasmus reveals his ability to move freely in Barovia, explaining that he is not only safeguarding Arabella but also assisting Viktor in the quest to bring Stella's soul back. The significance of Arabella becomes apparent as her unique powers, akin to her grandmother, Madam Eva, are unveiled. Arabella possesses the gift of seeing the future, a skill already developed to a level reminiscent of Madam Eva herself. She not only predicted the party's arrival but strategically left clues in the tower, such as the ring and her bracelet, to guide them to her current location.  
  Arabella's visions unfold before the party, revealing a kaleidoscope of potential futures, each laden with its own set of fates:

  1. -A Future of Illumination: The mist departs, and sunlight bathes Vallaki in radiant warmth and clarity.
  2. -A Future of Illumination: The mist departs, and sunlight bathes Vallaki in radiant warmth and clarity.
  3. -Twisted Paths of Love and Loss: Victoria and Nina unite in matrimony. Nina meets her demise in Victoria's arms.
  4. -Jakes' Fateful Outcomes: Jake succumbs to a gruesome fate and bites Arabella's head off. Jake meets his end at the hands of MeNA.
  5. -Argentus' Ambiguous Influence: Argentus extracts Arabella's thoughts, exposing her mind killling her. Argentus becomes ensnared in Amber, trapped indefinitely.
  6. -MeNA's Transformations: MeNA experiences a human existence. And MeNA wields a spear crafted from blood.
  7. -Seraphiel's Divergent Destinies: Seraphiel kneels before Strahd, possibly succumbing to the vampire's will. Or Seraphiel sacrifices himself, giving his life for a raven.
  8. -The City Aflame
  9. -The party meets its end, enveloped by the inscrutable mist.

  Maybe none or maybe all will transpire...
    In the shadowy gloom, the party discerns Victoria's presence, accompanied by the departure of a raven into the sky. Approaching the party, she discloses that her friend, Lady Wachter, wishes to have a meeting with them.
  Faced with the dilemma of Arabella's potent and perilous abilities, the party decides to entrust Victoria with the responsibility of safeguarding the girl. Acknowledging the danger that swirls around them, especially after the recent events with Rictavio, they opt to leave Arabella under the protective roof of Victoria then the Blue Water Inn. Danika's earlier emphasis on minimizing risks resonates with the party's decision, even as Urwin's lingering resentment adds a layer of tension to the unfolding events.
  (DM skips a bit forward to the important part, just setting the vibe, Party gaat naar WachterHouse, WachterHouse is in a state of despair and looks badly kept, lady Wachter is gelijk Olenna Tyrell van game of Thrones to the point en pragmatisch)
  Lady Wachter, aware of the precarious stakes of the impending evening, offers the party a stark perspective. With an air of ominous certainty, she presents the three conceivable outcomes: her own demise, the Baron's demise, or an outcome where everyone present meets their end.
  In a gesture of transparency, Lady Wachter allows the party to cast the Zone of Truth, fostering an environment of truthfulness. As the mystical aura settles, she candidly responds to the party's inquiries.
  Do you want to kill the burgormaster: Yes What do you think of Strahd: He is an absent landlord Does she have a weapon to defeat Strahd: Strahd is Ancient he is the land. She has many weapons but killing Strahd she does not. The Wachter family owes a debt of allegiance to Strahd,who helped their ancestors many centuries ago. Lady Wachter herself considers Strahd to be a dangerous individual, but one whose temper can and must be managed and controlled through strategic shows of fealty. Lady Wachter will obey Strahd’s direct orders for as long as necessary to ensure the peace, prosperity, and safety of the people of Vallaki. Lady Wachter bears no ill will toward the players, even if they consider themselves to be enemies of Strahd, and will lift no hand against them unless compelled to do so. She has heard rumors from Strahd’s servants among the Vistani that Strahd intends no harm toward the players, at least for now, and has in fact ordered that they be kept alive for his own purposes. (Lady Wachter isn’t sure why, and admits as much.) reveals the foreboding knowledge that Strahd's imminent attack on Vallaki is inevitable, before the end of the Festival. The final defense, the bones of Saint Andral's blessing, is on the verge of depletion, leaving the town vulnerable to the looming threat.
  Lady Wachter, in the Zone of Truth, emphasizes her urgency to remove the Burgomaster before Strahd's impending assault. Recognizing the Burgomaster's severe offense and the heightened anger it has drawn from Strahd, Lady Wachter sees an opportunity to sway Strahd's intentions.
  Guided by her patron, the Mist, Lady Wachter believes she can influence Strahd's conquest and steer Vallaki into a role integral to the vampire lord's grander plans.
  Her unwavering faith in a prophecy adds a layer of mysticism to her motivations. Lady Wachter envisions a future where sunlight graces Vallaki, a symbol of liberation and transformation. According to the prophecy, this radiant future hinges on the actions of a person of noble lineage, chosen by the Mist.
  Lady Wachter recounts a dark chapter from her family's history. She shares the harrowing tale of her grandmother, a resilient woman who lived during the time Strahd was transformed into a vampire.
  As the story unfolds, Lady Wachter describes how assassins from Balh'Azur attempted and failed to end Strahd's undead existence. Fleeing from their own failures, these assassins found refuge in Vallaki, welcomed as templars and saviors by the townsfolk. The sanctity of Vallaki, protected by Saint Andral, shielded its inhabitants from Strahd's malevolence.
  However, the narrative takes a sinister turn as Lady Wachter unveils the twisted transformation of these once-saviors. Over time, corrupted by their own darkness, they devolved into evildoers. In a heinous act, they violated Lady Wachter's grandmother.
  Refusing to succumb to despair, her grandmother resolved to reclaim her agency. In a courageous and vengeful act, Lady Wachter's grandmother seized an opportune moment when the assassins were inebriated and defenseless. With a sacred dagger she swiped from the lead assassin in hand, she stood up against her tormentors and swiftly silenced them, slicing their necks as they slept. (These ghosts are now haunting Lady Wachter's daughter Stella's Soul)
  In the aftermath of the vengeful act against the corrupted templars, Lady Wachter's grandmother offered their lifeless bodies to Strahd. In a macabre exchange, this grisly offering resulted in her being bestowed with wealth, power, and a newfound noble status. Returning to Vallaki, she positioned herself as a formidable figure, ascending through the societal hierarchy that had long been dominated by the Vallakovich family.
  Over the passing years, the Vallakovich bloodline took a sinister turn, embracing malevolence and cruelty. The pinnacle of this descent into darkness occurred during the reign of the Burgermaster's father, a tyrant who orchestrated public executions and adorned the town with heads on spikes as a gruesome deterrent against evil. The Vallakovich patriarch's brutality even extended to an attempt to annihilate the entire Wachter family, seeking to eradicate any lingering traces of opposition.
  Fiona,Lady Wachter, managed to escape the clutches of the Vallakovich onslaught and sought refuge in the desolate town of Berez. Here, her path intertwined with a coven of women guided by the enigmatic Baba Yaga. Under Baba Yaga's tutelage, Lady Wachter acquired the skills to defend herself.
  Lady Wachter, upon learning of the mysterious death of the Burgomaster. She alludes to allegations of abuse directed at the current Baron and Iza during their youth by the Father, Lady Wachter hints that this culminated in the demise of the tyrannical Burgomaster.
  Despite Baba Yaga's restrictions on leaving, Lady Wachter defied these constraints, bringing with her some of Baba Yaga's personal tomes. Witnessing the lifeless body of the Burgomaster, she invoked a binding ritual with one of these tomes, condemning him even in the afterlife.
  Returning to Vallaki, Lady Wachter held hope that the new Burgomaster would usher in positive change, given her upbringing alongside the Baron. She built a family, experiencing love, raising two sons, and cherishing her daughter Estrella, a beacon of virtues Lady Wachter admired but felt were lacking in herself—compassion, kindness, and a relentless search for goodness.
  Tragedy struck as Lady Wachter's husband passed away, revealing the Baron's true nature. The scars of his father's abuse emerged, casting a shadow over the town and dimming the once-promising prospect of a benevolent ruler. Lady Wachter's hopes for Vallaki's salvation became entwined with her daughter Stella, whom she believed possessed the qualities needed to guide the town toward a brighter future.    
  As the Baron's despotic rule tightened its grip on Vallaki, orchestrating weekly festivals, implementing torture, and employing mind-altering techniques, Lady Wachter recognized the urgency to shield her family from the escalating tyranny. Leveraging her substantial fortune, she devised a cunning plan—arranging a marriage between her daughter Stella and Victor.
  Initially, all seemed to unfold according to Lady Wachter's designs. She meticulously selected an untraceable poison, intending to eliminate the Burgomaster herself. However, the unexpected occurred when Victor, the young man destined to be her son-in-law, shattered Stella's mind. The traumatic impact, she had seen been done to so many from the reformation center. She believed it to be done by Viktor's association with his father's reformers, left Lady Wachter devastated.
  Convinced that Viktor played a role in her daughter's mental deterioration, Lady Wachter decided to take drastic measures to end the remnants of her family. Accepting the inevitable consequences, she and Stella ventured into the mysterious Mist, anticipating a swift end. However, the mist had other plans, entangling them in the threads of prophecy that weave through the fates of Barovia's inhabitants.

  (What we know actually happened is that Viktor and Stella wanted to escape Barovia togheter and where in love but due to the ghosts comming after Stella and the Teleportation circle not beeing perfect her soul was trapped in the Ethereal plan and Viktor is trying to get it back but had to put the soul of a cat in Stella's body so it wouldnt die in the mean time). Dismissing the party's explanations as mere fabrications woven by the reformers' insidious manipulations, Lady Wachter stands firm in her distorted reality.
  In the clandestine meeting, Lady Wachter implores the party to assist in eliminating the Burgermaster, Iza, before Strahd's imminent attack on Vallaki during the festival's culmination. Embracing a ruthless approach, she outlines her plan to eradicate the entire Vallakovich family, including the Baron, his son Viktor, and anyone obstructing her vision of the "greater good."
  To facilitate their deadly mission, Lady Wachter promises to provide weapons and equipment through Victoria Von Holz. She contends that the bloodshed resulting from their actions will be significantly less than the carnage that Strahd's invasion under the current regime would unleash.
  As events unfold, the party discovers Lady Wachter's dark secret: she is harnessing the unearthed bones from the church to raise an undead army, intending to overthrow the Vallakian guards and seize control of the city. Lady Wachter's proficiency in necromancy becomes a chilling revelation, adding a layer of macabre complexity to the unfolding narrative in Vallaki.
  Now the party has to choose....
  Rat Lady Wachter out to the Burgormaster and side with him. Help Lady Wachter by killing or incapacitate Iza (Jake's possible sister) and helping her stage a coup. Find the bones that are keeping Strahd's forces from attacking Vallakia. Or just get out of there and let everything burn down... The Orphanes, The Bluewater inn, Blinsky, Von Richter....
  The party, now burdened with these quests, faces the delicate challenge of navigating Vallaki's treacherous political landscape while preparing for the imminent confrontation with the malevolent forces lurking in the shadows.
Report Date
24 Nov 2023


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