Sessie 2

General Summary

Correct the spelling mistakes, keep everything between [ ] the same Descending further into the stygian depths of the accursed abode, the fellowship found themselves taunded by lady Durst to come forward. With a sinister tone, she recounted the tale of her husband's futile resistance, how she subsequently flayed him alive and hanged him in the pantry. And as the darkness accepted her sacrifice she grew in power. Feeding the monster she created with the flesh of his own mother. This beast she created she keeps in the basement to test adventurers for her lord Strahd. In the subsequent quarrel their loyal companion Lancelot died.

Argentus bore a premonition of impending peril but could not convince his whole party as the Righteous Seraphiel wanted to end this madness. Both where equally right and wrong but in the end their squable would serve as their doom. As the party ran from the monster Nina did not make it out alive.

As Nina opened her eyes she found herself in a place beetween living and death as the entity of the house was ready to devour her. But luckily for her she has already been claimed by another that does not like to share.
  As the party was fighting over the fact that Nina needesly died and who was in the right she herself walked back towards them from the mist. Making for even more concerns and worries for her fellow companions. But for now they were locked into this group togheter by faith as the only way forward was Nina's hometown of Barovia.

Nina had been gone... gone for much longer than she thought as she found her village in ruin and dispair as buildings where torched and war was waged early. With Nina's house burned down, the party went to see for a place to sleep and met Nina's older brother Ismark and Burgonmaster of the village of Borovia. He told you the following story:

A fiercedevotee of the Morninglord’s sacred texts and an amateurswordsman, Doru was determined to lead an army against Castle Ravenloft and return sunlight to Barovia. With The help of a recently arrived monster hunter, Doru believed their righteous fight would surely be victorious. By the day of reckoning, he had gathered a mob of two-dozen hopeful young Barovians to march upon the keep, promising to restore the light of the sun to the dreary valley. Ismark Kolyanovich, a skilledswordsman and the son of Burgomaster Kolyan Indirovich,remained behind, concerned of the consequences should the village be undefended, no man returned from their battle but Strahd send out envoys to make peace with their gods and that in 90 days time he would punish the village. Shortly after many of the villagers of Barovia proposed an exodus to Vallaki, where they could take shelter behind the town's fortified walls. However, when Ismark Kolyanovich gave a rousing speech invoking the memory of Ismark the Great, most decided to remain in the village to defend their homes. Only a few Barovians—two dozen at most—gathered up their belongings and fled on the Old Svalich Road. Strahd's zombie Army sieged the town for a full week, with the undead crashing against crude village fortifications night after night. Though the village was ultimately secured, dozensof lives were lost—including, on the final night, the life of Burgomaster Indirovich himself. As many blame Ismark for all the deaths as his speech gave them false hope for a better tomorrow...

You also gained the quest from Ismark to bring his sister to safety. But first he requested your help in his Fathers Funeral.
You met granny who sells paistries to help the people of Barovia. She is going to seek the refuguees out from the village at Vallakia to help them.
You also met Mad Mary whoms daughter Gertruda (fiancee to Doru) Has ran off to the castle to try to save Doru.
You also all had a profetic dream about Madam Eva, the fortuneteller and seer of all located at the Tser Pool, she implores you to come visit her.
The whole of Barovia is open to you adventurers where will you go next? But be aware adventurers... Strahd's spies are everywhere and trying to figure out where you will go next.

Notable items:
*Chain Shirt
*Another sliver of amber (empty)
*A piece of black vine
Report Date
21 Aug 2023


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