Sessie 3

General Summary

Session 3

Am I a monster?

  • The party had breakfast at the blood of the Vine inn
  • The Party started their day with going to Vladislav Curio & Relic Emporium. There they met the cursed Vladislav, cursed by Strahd himself to live forever. He collects and sells cursed items.

      The party bought: Musk Spray, a carved wolf’s claw and a polished ring and sold most of their items they gathered in the death house. They kept the silver.

    • With the money they went to Bildrath’s Mercantile to get supplies for their upcoming trip.
    • There they met Bildrath and his simple nephew Parriwimple. They bought some supplies and went on.
    • Nina disguised herself while they were walking around.
    • They buried the burgourmaester of Barovia and went tot he church to do so.
    • They met Father Donavich whom told them his son returned but was turned into a monster. He thinks his son was beyond redemption. He also thought his connection tot he divine was corrupted by his son still wearing his amulet.
    • The party went to meet Doru to retrieve the amulet, there Doru asked them the possibility to prove himself to be redeemable. He told them the story how he met a legendary monster hunter whom he convinced to rush Strahd and forced his hand to help him.
    • Doru told them the story how he, his best friend Esher, the hunter and 3 dozen of his fellow friends gathered and infiltrated the castle. The hunter took most of the defences down only a handful of them perished. When they reached the catacombs underneath the castle his friend Esher disappeared and when they finally reached the coffin of Strahd, they found it empty. One by one his friends where swallowed by darkness and eventually the hunter disappeared in thin air himself.
    • Strahd captured him and tortured him, turned him into a vampire spawn and made him drink the blood of his friends.
    • Doru was send by Strahd right before the attack to father Donavich to drive him mad and eventually have him killed by his own son. As a vampire spawn he must follows his creator commands.
    • The party tried to let him prove himself that he could control himself but the smallest distrust and hesitation was already too much for the fragile boy and pushed him too far. He asked for deliverance and Seraphiel granted it to him.
    • The burgourmaester and Doru where buried, as Seraphiel gave the last rights to Doru.
    • During the burial, Rahadin and some of Strahds Brides showed up to convey their condolences to the late man’s daughter Nina and son Ismark. They said that this had could been avoided if Ismark just had payed the price.
  • Also while clutching his amulet that was worn by Doru, Father Donavich made a note fall out of the amulet, with the following message

    “To those that survived the attack, I have hidden some weapons.

      Out on the road towards Vallakia.

      With the map below you can find it.

      Eagerness was our downfall, I regret leaving you.

      Rest assure we will meet again soon


      signed V.R.”
    • Father Donavich recommended the abby of Saint Markovia in Krezk to Seraphiel. As there will be the only place in the vally Ireena would be truly safe from the Devil.

    • Father Donavich returned to the church a broken man.
  • The party set out to Vallakia to escort Ireena towards the city for her protection. On the road they met with a Borovian search party looking for a family that went missing. They found the family, turned into zombies by Strahd commander that led the attack on the town of Barovia. They came across them while looking for the hidden stash of weapons.

  • Sadly, their mission turned dark very quickly as Young Ireena was slain in battle. Her body magically taken by Argentus they left us running away from a beast in the mists hunting for Ireena’s soul.
Report Date
05 Sep 2023


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