Sessie 7

General Summary

I've corrected the spelling mistakes in the text you provided:   "Our party starts at the gates of Vallaki. To get inside the city, they used Nina's status as a noble to force their way into the city. To prove her identity, she used the letter that Izek had written her. The guards let the party in, and they had free rein of Barovia. As soon as they got in, MeNA started selling his pies to guards, hungry townsfolks, and others under the guise of it being animal food. Through some awkward but successful negotiating, MeNA managed to sell some of her dream pies.

Victoria Von Holtz says goodby to the party and gives them some advice and directions into the town.   They walked deeper into the city and started to notice some strange behaviors. The town doesn't, at first blush, seem as depressed (or oppressed) as the village of Barovia farther east. However, the party quickly realizes that there is no happiness here, only false hope and forced happiness. The people are not allowed to use the name of Strahd but refer to him as a Devil. People are threatened with fines and jail time if they show signs of malicious unhappiness. People are forced into compliance.   Jake also gets noticed as the "Wolfman" by kids across the streets. The party also meets the puppet player Rictavio playing puppets on the town square. Soon they stand eye to eye with the Baron Vallakovich and his wife and his brother-in-law Father Lucian Petrovich.
Also among them is the captain of the guards Iza Strazni

The baron invites Nina and the party to a lunch the day after. Father Petrovich also requests the party's help and comes to see him at Saint Andral's church.

The party is beeing guided around the town by Alek "the guard" the guard as ordered by the Baron.   Afterward, the Party goes by Gadof Blinsky Toys. Here they find that Blinsky is the source of all the Wolfman toys and that he is making them for a special customer. Blinsky also expresses an interest in MeNA's mechanical body. He notes that he can upgrade MeNA's body for the right price and tools. He also mentioned that there is another automaton in Strahd's castle that could be a key to making MeNA into a very powerful machine.   Later that day, the Party arrives at the Blue Water Inn, owned by the Martikovs Urwin and Danika and their two small boys. They give the party a warm welcome. The party gets introduced to some known characters, the wolf hunters from Barovia, two drunk men that seem to be nobility in this town, and Rictavio. Rictavio is a newcomer to the inn and is staying there for free. Rictavio is the puppet master/entertainer/ringmaster, who entertains them with a story. To get everyone to sleep, he sings them a local song that he learned from the townspeople:
Report Date
13 Oct 2023


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