Sessie 8

General Summary

We find our Adventurers waking up after dreaming of light and delicious pies on their first night in Vallakia. Their goodnights rest in the Bluewater inn was ended when a knock on the door woke them up. It was Ulrich bringing them nicer clothes as they were gifted from their benefactor. Aswell as their stay had been pay for in advance by her. Ulrich Martikov warned the party of an upcoming conflict between the Baron and forces looking to oppose him in the village lead by Lady Wachter. Seraphiel noticed he had some green spots on him and requested a bath to wash them off to no avail. The party gathered for breakfast downstairs as their benefactor also had it prepared for them.

  Victoria Von Holz reintroduces herself as she has paid for the parties stay in the tavern. She longs to hear stories from outside Barovia and also to get a close business relationship with the village of Barovia through Nina. Also, Kereza and Krog, the wolf hunters offer their services to the party as they are looking to deliver the doll to Arabella as of Madam Eva’s, the fortune teller, favor for saving Nina’s life.

  As the Party head out of Vallakia they make a quick stop at the Apothecary named: "The Third Eye Potions and Sundries" This is a tiny shop pushed off to the edge of town. Vallaki's general bigotry drove Anya's sister away from the central shopping district. Anya is half Vistani, half Dusk Elf and bares the mixed features of both her parents. As a young woman used to being an outcast, Anya stands tall under societal pressures and has proven her worth with her craft. She buys, sells, and trades unique potion ingredients, including plant and monster parts. However, she resolutely refuses to deal with anyone who shows her blatant disrespect. Anya has a harsh tongue and no room for bullshit.

  She examined the party for curses and diseases and informed Seraphiel he was with the Cackle fever. She had some remedies to stave of the effects temporary. She applied a free sample on him to stave of the effects temporary. MeNA’s curse she indicated as Fey origin a tree sapling growing in her brain. Nina’s curse was too dark for her to even get into and figure out what it was. She also identified Smirnoff’s failing liver through heavy alcohol consumption. She also made note of Jake’s curse and warned him in private that his transformation will happen on the night of the upcoming festival of the blazing sun.

  The party travelled to the Vistani camp just out of Vallakia with the help of the wolf hunters. Arriving there they were told about the kidnapping of Arabella. They met Arabella’s father Luvash and brother Arrigal who where the leaders or as the Vistani call it shae’s of the encampment. Clues led to a fellow Vistani called Yan taking Arabella out of the camp for reasons unknown. Yan’s body was found close to lake Bartov decapitated and without his head present. Close by the body a ring was spotted with a weird inscription. The Vistani asked the leader of the Dusk elves Kasamir to figure out what the ring meant.

  Kasamir is the leader of the Dusk elves a sorrowful lot living around the Vistani camp. He himself showed wounds on his body of a trip he had undertaken recently up to Mount Ghakis.

  The party decided to return to Vallakia and attended the Baron’s invitation to lunch. They got to know the Baroness Lydia better whom told them about the upcoming festival of the blazing sun. And about how they plan to burn criminals and followers on the devil on that day. She briefly mentioned that in the last festival there was some dissatisfaction growing in the crowd and a drunkard had even showed his ass.

  The Baron introduced his son Viktor during the dinner and quickly dismissed Nina’s plea’s to let the people of Barovia in. Veining that it was difficult and not possible due to the stress he was under. He requested the party to help with a ghost problem he was having at his house giving them free range of the mansion. Also he asked them to go see his brother in law Father Petrovich at the Church and help him out with a little problem he was having. But most of all he was interested in Ireena and the idea of marrying her off to his son Viktor to lay claim to the village of Barrovia.

  The Baron also requested the origin of the dream pie’s as he had fed it to some criminals and it seemed to have a positive effect on them. He was going to keep an eye on it.

  The party went to his library to look for a clue to the ring found with the missing Vistani girl but only found a book bearing Jake’s name in it. Mena took it in view of Viktor, the Baron’s son, who could not care less if they pissed of his father. Although they could not find clues of the rings origin, they turned to Viktor whom tried to hide his knowledge of the ring but was persuaded to help them find the little girl. He told them it belonged to a mage called KAZAN, a named that made the amber shard in Nina’s possession flare up. And that KAZAN had a tower on the shores of lake Baratov. He did not want to divulge where he go this info from. The party kept creeping through the mansion catching glimpses of the ghost and found a trail leading to the attic and a mysterious mirror. They also got clues that the ghost sightings happened after Viktor’s previous bride, Stella Wachter, had an accident in the mansion. Also they stole up to 15 gp worth of silverware from the Baron.

  The party found the ghost of a young female in the attic being chased by other ghosts that looked less friendly. A battle followed and it all turned lopsided when MeNA got possessed by the spirits but the name Balh’Azur and images of assassinations going through their mind the party started to kill each other. It was until Viktor joined the battle that the party stood a chance as in the end it was just a possessed Nina versus Viktor whom used his 5th level magic to vanquish the ghost.

  There we find our party all four of them laying on the wooden boards in the attic with Victor tending their wounds. Their healer had vanished during the investigation and was having an adventure of his own in this mansion….
Main quest:
Bring Nina to safety in preferably Saint Andreals church(Vallakia) as it is hallow ground. (Seraphiel got the clue that maybe the abbey in Krezk's is safer)
Side quests
Bring back Gertruda to Mary in Barovia (Save her from the hags as she is currently there) (reward 200gp)

  Find Arabella (Vistani granddaughter of madam Eva) a wolfman doll from Blinsky(Vallakia) for her birthday->UPDATE! Find Arabella. (reward 500gp)

  Come to Argenvostholt if you want to meet the revanent leader (location unknown)

  Find Von Richter

  Bring the letter to Lady Belasco at Saint Andreals church for the hags.

  Put a soul leach under Rahadins desk in castle Ravenloft

  Solve the Ghost problem of the Baron (reward 350gp)

  Find proof of rebellion against the Baron and bring it to him (reward 350gp)

  Bring Anya, the pharmacist in Vallakia, a jug of holy water from Krezk (reward cure any sickness if possible and a potion of Storm Giant Strength)

Urwin Martikov



Victoria Von Holz




















Baron/Bischop Vargas



Wife Lydia Petrovna



Son Viktor Vallokovich


Report Date
30 Oct 2023


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