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Faerun is a vast continent teeming with life and culture. Harmony and chaos synchronizing in a never ending battle for victory can be seen through the stories found on this world. Gods of Old displaying their dominance through the creation of new obstacles and miracles each day. Heroes of legend taking their place in the world. Ancient artifacts and hidden secrets lost to time, yearning to be sought out.   Found within Faerun is the country of Thay. Powerful wizards from each school would become the Council of Zulkirs and rule for hundreds of years over Thay. An ambitious and powerful lich, Malekei gained notoriety through enslaving and his undead armies. After living for hundreds of years and sucessfully turning himself undead he joined with the council because he sought their power. They reigned sumpreme for hundreds of years, working with the High King of Thay to maintain order an peace.   Within recent years, a massive disease known as The Spellplague has raged throughout Faerun. No one can be brought back and the undead are slowly dying. Malekei had slowly began to wither away and he slowly became insane. Wrecklessly murdering and torturing apprentices, inhumane and chaotic lab experiments were early signs that something should be done, but the council members became privy to this information just too late.   In an event known as the "Ritual of Banehold", Malekei summoned an malevolent deity called Bane. Malekei had murdered of the High King Pyras at the peak of Thaymount and defiled his royal blood with snake venom. Bane appeared before the mad lich and shared with him the knowledge of the origins of the Spellplague. Bane also blessed Malekei with undeath and restored his vitality, undoing the Spellplague's curse for only him.   Once the Council of Zulkirs had known what Malekei had done, they ordered his surrender, so he may be put to trial before the council. His vitality now restored and given a mission, Malekei stood before the council with a smile. Within mere seconds a blinding flash of light nearly vaporized half of the council. A few tried to stay and hold back the rutheless tyrant, while the remaining few fled. Of the 120 council members and Red Wizards that were sent to arrest Malekei that night, only 13 unknown strangers sucessfully fled.