Malar's Throat

Malar's Throat was a ward of the coastal city of Port Nyanzaru in Chult that lay outside the city walls. It was a slum where the city's poorest residents lived in dilapidated buildings stacked upon one another running along the walls of a ravine. It was a gritty contrast to the vibrancy of the wards that lay within the walls   Notable Locations   Temple of Tymora While the Tymoran faithful of Port Nyanzaru didn't consider themselves particularly fortuitous, they still revered the Lady of Luck.   The Satchel Shop This leather goods store sold a suspicious number of satchels, some specially designed for smugglers.   Ubtao's Jaws The gate that connected the ground level of the ravine to the Market Ward and Harbor Ward of Port Nyanzaru   Notable Inhabitants   Abwale Capaning, a leatherworker and smuggler who operated the Satchel Shop as of the late 15th century DR.   Ashen Rock, a tabaxi member of the Citizens' Brigade in the late 15th century DR.   Screaming Wind, a tabaxi hunter and member of the Emerald Enclave who lived in a small home at the far end of the ravine as of the late 15th century DR.   Siela, an elf who was captured by pterafolk in the late 15th century DR.   Wadumu Who-Would-Be-Blue, a dishonest grung smuggler who was expelled from his tribe the late 15th century DR


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