Minotaur {Bovine}

The minotaur is a half-human, half-bovine.   Minotaurs tend to be strong and durable. They specialize in charging to the front, and dealing with whatever they find there. They also have a reputation for being stubborn, quick to anger, and territorial, none of which is necessarily true. While it's true that their nature is to charge in when it's time to fight, it doesn't mean that they go looking for trouble. One need only read Heart of the Mountains by Minotaur poet Drijag Penn to know the depth of the Minotaur soul.  
Detail Description
Size Medium
Speed 30' walk
Attributes +2 Strength, +1 Constitution (Alt +2/+1 in any stats)
Ability: Horns 1d6 + strength mod
Ability: Goring Rush Minotaurs can make a melee attack as a bonus action after a dash action of at least 20'
Ability: Hammering Horns After hitting a creature in melee was part of an attack action, Minotaurs can use their horns to try to shove their target up to 10' away. (Within 5', no more than one size larger, strength save 8+proficiency bonus + strength modifier)
Ability: Imposing Presence Like it or not, Minotaurs can't be ignored. They get proficiency in either persuasion or intimidation.
Ability: Languages Minotaurs can speak Common and Minotaur

Class Considerations

Their strength and durability, and the feats that let them use their horns for a quick entry to battle makes them obvious martial characters. Other classes are also possible, especially with alternate starting attributes, but their special abilities are best suited to a strength-based character.


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