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The elf-adventurer-turned-upstanding-citizen known as Coran, formerly a bold fighter and thief, currently occupies himself as a merchant and an information broker, and is well known as an infamous celebrity at patriar revels. Coran relishes being in the know and playing the sardonic, world-wise observer.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Even though elves do not become obese, Coran’s sumptuous lifestyle has produced what some would call pudginess, especially around his face.

Apparel & Accessories

He wore garish outfits that always drew even more attention to the spectacle that was himself. He decorated himself with rather stylist jewelry.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In the Year of the Banner, 1368 DR Coran was hired by Kelddath Ormlyr to hunt a "great winged dragon" in the Cloakwood forest. After given the description of the beast having a barbed tail, Coran knew he was actually hunting wyverns but accepted the bounty regardless.

After spending some time in Baldur's Gate again, he ventured south to Tethyr in the Year of the Gauntlet, 1369 DR. He relocated back to his cabin in the Forest of Tethir and reconnected with his love Safana. Having eloped at her request, Safana attempted to use her and Coran's acquaintance with Abdel Adrian to draw the Bhaalspawn to a trap involving Lanfear and her pack of wolfweres.

Over the years Coran came to become a permanent resident of Baldur's Gate. He garnered a number of favors from among the Baldurain patriars.

The many debts the patriars owed Coran bought him a seat on the Parliament of Peers long ago, and such “deferred favors” continue to earn him invitations to many patriar feasts and revels. He appears at all the choicest fetes with wineglass in hand and a dazzling young companion on his arm.

Personality Characteristics


Coran is now too old—or, more to the point, too closely monitored by the Watch and Fist—to take part in daring robberies, but he still craves excitement. So the lively socialite sponsors, manipulates, and goads others into attempting incredible feats of burglary and infiltration and into furthering the elf’s age-old rivalries with other retired thieves. Coran makes and takes bets on the outcomes of lawless activities, and he covertly invests in goods that he knows will experience near-term shortages. These wagers and schemes provide him with the income to support his pampered lifestyle.

The former adventurer enjoys playing puppet master just as much as, if not more than, he delighted in executing his own escapades. Now he serves as the witty voice of experience, dispensing advice and pointing the clueless toward clues, the stumped toward solutions, and the in-over-their-heads toward local experts. Coran always knows where someone can obtain a sleep poison, a love potion, an impersonator, or a kidnapper. What some call manipulation, he calls guidance. Everything he does is geared toward his own amusement and profit.

He befriends and shamelessly manipulates adventurers, which is not necessarily a bad thing for them, since Coran provides tremendous aid to friends who find themselves in trouble in Baldur’s Gate.


Contacts & Relations

Some time after the end of the Iron Crisis he began a rather tumultuous relationship with the sultry thief Safana. Abdel Adrian

Family Ties

Coran unknowingly fathered a half-elf child Namara with a young sorceress named Brielbara in Baldur's Gate after a brief fling. He also had a son named Krydle, who wound up becoming a great adventurer in his own right.

Social Aptitude

Throughout his life, Coran had a number of romantic entanglements and flirted shamelessly with any woman he met.

As Coran settled down with age, he settled into the role of a wise, world-weary advisor. Despite his outlandish and less-reputable actions, he was still a good friend to some and often genuinely wanted to help.

The elf-adventurer-turned-upstanding-citizen known as Coran, formerly a bold fighter and thief, currently occupies himself as a merchant and an information broker, and is well known as an infamous celebrity at patriar revels. Coran relishes being in the know and playing the sardonic, world-wise observer

Character Location

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