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Dark Elves

The drow are descended from the dark elves who retreated into the Underdark after the Crown Wars. They are infamous for their cruelty, evilness, and drive to dominate.

For much of history, many believed that all drow were beings of inherent and irredeemable evil. In truth, most drow do align with evil, engaging in torture, slavery, murder, and other nefarious activities in the name of their demon-goddess. Almost always, dark elves who reject the ways of their people are exiled, or executed for being rebels, heretics, and insurrectionists who have turned against drow culture and the will of Lolth. But the existence of noble and self-sacrificing drow such as Liriel Baenre and Drizzt Do’Urden suggests that the evil of the drow isn’t innate and can be overcome. The actions of these few heroic drow have tempered some people’s opinions toward the race, although the appearance of a dark elf on the surface remains a rare event and a cause for alarm.

Many drow in Faerûn hail from Menzoberranzan, the infamous City of Spiders, or one of the other drow city-states in the Underdark, such as Jhachalkhyn or Ched Nasad. Dark elves encountered on the surface are usually found near entrances to the Underdark, because they are harmed by the light of day, which weakens them and their magic. Drow who become adventurers often do so after fleeing the oppressive, cruel theocracy of the city-states. Most of these individuals live as outcasts and wanderers, though a rare few find new homes with another race or culture.

Drow characters can come from any background, though most have a history that links to one of the drow city-states of the Underdark.

Inherent magical abilities and a preference for dark places make drow naturally adept as assassins, thieves, and spies. Traditionally, male drow are warriors and wizards, and female drow occupy leadership roles as warriors or priestesses of Lolth. Drow exiles tend to follow their own path regardless of gender.

Drow Deities

The gods of the drow are fractious and treacherous as their worshipers.

The Spider Queen

Lolth, the Demon Queen of Spiders, reigns supreme as goddess of the drow, ruthlessly eliminating all who would threaten her position. Her priestesses do likewise with the cults of rival gods among their people.

Other Dark Powers

Selvetarm is god of warriors, and therefore patron of male drow.
Although perhaps not so much as Vhaeraun, the rogue god of thievery and of drow males who rebel against the matriarchy.
, drow goddess of the undead, is served by secretive cults of necromancers.
, known as That Which Lurks, is a subversive power, the mad god of oozes, rebels, and outcasts, occasionally revered by drow.

The Dark Maiden

Some drow exiles have heard the song of Eilistraee, urging them out onto the surface to behold the moon as it rises. The drow goddess of song, beauty, swordwork, hunting, and moonlight, she is the patron of drow who reject the evils of their society, offering them light and hope  


Drow Traits

  Ability Score Increase
Charisma score increases by 1.
Superior Darkvision
Their darkvision has a radius of 120 feet.
Sunlight Sensitivity

They have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when they, the target of their attack, or whatever they are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.
Drow Magic

They know the dancing lights cantrip. When they reach 3rd level, they can cast the faerie fire spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when they finish a long rest. When they reach 5th level, they can cast the darkness spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when they finish a long rest. Drow Weapon Training
You have proficiency with rapiers, shortswords, and hand crossbows.
Encompassed species

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