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Favil Blanthe

It would shock many Baldurians to learn that Favil Blanthe is a member of the Flaming Fist, mainly because he lacks the disciplined, law-and-order aura that defines most of the mercenaries. Blanthe is a pudgy man in his sixties who is widely believed to be too fond of dwarven brews. He manages the Flaming Fist’s finances and can usually be found at the Counting House or the Blade and Stars.

He understands the frustration that drove him to the Guild and realizes that feeling is probably what sends many young folk into its grip today. Thus, he is one of only a few Fist officers who have any sympathy for Guild operatives.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Much about Blanthe remains secret. A few of the Fist’s officers are aware that the exchequer used to be a Fist spymaster. But Blanthe alone knows that he is a Rivington-born ex-Guild member who formerly went by the name “Gold Lahar.”

Forty years ago, Gold Lahar was an outstanding Guild burglar and bookmaker. Then a disagreement put Lahar on the outs. Desperate to avoid a knife in the dark, he disappeared. Lahar’s associates assumed he had fled or been cornered and “gone to see the river,” a Baldurian phrase that refers to being bound and tossed from Tumbledown’s bluffs into the Chionthar. No one suspected that Lahar had adopted a disguise, changed his name, and signed on with the Flaming Fist.

Within six months of Lahar’s disappearance, any Guild members who had known him had either been arrested and executed, been cut down in an apparent gang murder, or disappeared. No one in the Fist connected the murders and disappearances to Blanthe, and at the end of this time no one in the Guild who had known Lahar remained alive.

In the following months, Blanthe’s inside knowledge of the Guild proved invaluable and led to raids on several Lower City operations. His acts of service and his uncanny instinct for uncovering secrets hastened Blanthe’s steady advancement through the ranks.

Morality & Philosophy

Blanthe sees his escape from the Guild to a new life with the Fist as a sign. He worships Torm now and regrets having lived the life he left behind. But he has never lost the conviction that the Guild exists as a reaction to the city’s many social injustices that support the patriars while shackling the less fortunate.


Religious Views

Honorary & Occupational Titles
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

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