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Helda Silverstream

Born of the union between clans Silverstream and Battlehammer, Helda Silverstream is a young dwarf who inherited the formidable cunning of her father’s kin as well as the bravery associated with her mother’s name. Worldly as well as wise, she has already seen more of the world in her sixty years than her uncle has in his many long winters. After spending her formative years hearing about the vaunted clan Battlehammer and the splendor of her mother’s clan’s seat at Mithral Hall, Helda took it upon herself to travel there at the tender age of thirty-five, defying her parents and the conventions of dwarven society to leave her home at so young an age. Helda’s father asked Stokely to forbid her from leaving the valley, but the elder Silverstream—whether because of his own regret over never having visited the vaunted dwarven hold, or because he realized that nothing he could say would sway the determined young dwarf—gave Helda his blessing, so she left with the next caravan heading south out of Icewind Dale.

Although Helda’s fiery personality was forged in the valley of Kelvin’s Cairn, her skills were tempered in the bowels of Mithral Hall. There she learned mining, smithcraft, and the arts of war and diplomacy from her mother’s people, displaying the earnestness of a dwarf who had grown up in a harsh land that could ill accommodate the time required to spend so long at study. Even in their protected valley home, the dwarves of Kelvin’s Cairn struggle to live through each winter, hunting for food and resources and fending off the orcs, giants, and other creatures that would claim the valley’s shelter. The clan members in Icewind Dale must work hard simply to survive—they do not have the luxury of a liberal education.

Helda did not intend to spend the rest of her winters in Mithral Hall, so after ten years there, she moved on to Mirabar, to seek a life and a fortune of her own. Though she makes her home in that city, she travels throughout the North, bringing her metalwork and jewelry to customers ranging from Waterdeep to Icewind Dale.

Helda Silverstream has gray eyes and dreadlocks of long, mahogany hair that she pulls back behind her head. She wears the hooded silver-stitched blue cloak of her clan, fastened with a silver clasp in the shape of a dwarven war axe, marking her as a warrior of the Axe of Mirabar.

Helda Silverstream has gray eyes and dreadlocks of long, mahogany hair that she pulls back behind her head. She wears the hooded silver-stitched blue cloak of her clan, fastened with a silver clasp in the shape of a dwarven war axe, marking her as a warrior of the Axe of Mirabar

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