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Hengar Aesnvaard

As a young man, Hengar Aesnvaard grew up hearing tales of Wulfgar Dragons bane, the Elk king who slew the dragon Icingdeath and, along with the other famed Companions, saved Ten-Towns from the army of Akar Kessell at the Battle of Icewind Dale. To hear his fellow tribe members tell it, Wulfgar’s glorious victories validated the Reghed way of life. The king’s loyalty to the tribes, his trust in his own strength to win through adversity, and the restless wanderings of his late career all spoke to the virtues that Hengar had been taught since he was a boy.

Hengar took a different lesson from the tales. Where others spoke of Wulfgar’s loyalty in rejecting a life with the dwarves to return to his rightful place among his people, Hengar saw a sense of duty. Where they spoke of Wulfgar’s reliance on his own might, Hengar saw the hero’s reliance on his friends. And where some pointed to the famed king’s  journeys as a rejection of the sentimentality of citydwellers, who foolishly die rather than leave their precious homes, Hengar saw the searching of a man who no longer felt at home among his people.

Now a seasoned warrior of the Elk Tribe, Hengar still has a habit of seeing things differently from  his fellows. He has never understood the aloofness between the Reghed tribes and the people of TenTowns when there is so much each could offer the other. But on the few times when he broached the subject, he was harshly rebuked by his peers, so now Hengar mostly keeps his thoughts to himself.

Recently, with the sightings of the Ice Witch, Hengar has had new reason to speak his mind. When the warriors spoke of the witch’s apparent invincibility and Mjenir offered no advice other than to flee, Hengar decided it was time to seek the aid of the people of Ten-Towns. With King Jarund’s blessing, he traveled to Bryn Shander in search of a wizard or someone else knowledgeable in the ways of magic who might be able to tell him how the Elk Tribe can fight this new menace.

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