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retired adventuring cleric from Cormyr named Mithann, has a strong personality and speaks a powerful message of hope and rebirth. She calls Amaunator by old names—the Morninglord and the Glory of Dawn—that evoke a different image from that of the stern, rigid sun god who is worshiped farther south. When the sun first rises from the long winter twilight late in the month of Hammer, Mithann leads the god’s most popular festival—a great feast in the town hall. 

Mithann takes a great interest in adventurers who come to Bryn Shander, largely because of her past but also because she genuinely cares about the people of Ten-Towns. She has seen too many socalled heroes try to exploit the citizens of the region, so she keeps a close eye on the ones who seem shady or selfish. On the other hand, she gives as much aid as she can muster to those who seem genuinely interested in helping the people of the dale.

Mithann was a member of two different adventuring companies with Isteval, a paladin of Amaunator who has since retired to Daggerford. Two of their companions from the first company, the Knights of the Unicorn, have settled in Baldur’s Gate, where characters might have encountered them if they experienced the events of Murder in Baldur’s Gate.

Mithann is a retired adventuring cleric from Cormyr named Mithann, has a strong personality and speaks a powerful message of hope a rebirth. She calls Amaunator by old names—the Morninglord and the Glory of Dawn—that evoke a different image from that of the stern, rigid sun god who is worshiped farther south.

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Bryn Shander
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