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Soren Arnsfirth

Hedrun’s father is one of the older warriors in the Elk Tribe, notable for his skyblue eyes and his quiet demeanor. A simple man with no insight into the workings of spirits or the mysteries of gods and magic, Soren was confused and frightened by the strange abilities his daughter began to manifest as she grew. He felt helpless as he watched the tribe turn its back on her, not knowing how to comfort his daughter or even relate to her.

Soren sought Mjenir’s counsel on many occasions, but always came away frustrated by the shaman’s insistence on treating Hedrun as a threat to be managed rather than as a loved one to be helped. Although Soren lacks the courage to speak out against the shaman, he resents Mjenir for turning his back on Hedrun and banishing her from the tribe. His hesitancy stems also from the possibility that Mjenir might have been right to cast the girl out, and as a grieving father himself, Soren can understand Mjenir’s bitterness over the loss of his son.

With the recent sightings of the Ice Witch, Soren has begun to think that Hedrun might have survived her banishment. His conjecture has no basis other than his hope that his daughter yet lives, so he has told no one of his thoughts. He has voiced support for Mjenir’s policy of avoiding encounters with the witch, since Soren does not want to see his daughter killed even if she has become a monster.

Hedrun’s father is one of the older warriors in the Elk Tribe, notable for his sky-blue eyes and his quiet demeanor. A simple man with no insight into the workings of spirits or the mysteries of gods and magic,

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