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A gunslinger, dressed well with most of his skin covered. This covers his left arm and left leg, as they are spectral in form and cause a commotion.

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Session Five

Starting from Termalaine. Hengar would like to not waste the time on the Dwarven Valley, but we will be dropping by to let Helda off at the entrance to the valley.   The wind picks up as we press on North. We take shelter, something is rumbling around above. A bear attacks! Strange, as it was FAR outmatched, and should not have been that dumb to attack and die.   We talk about fondest memories around the camp fire that night. A violent storm blows in the next morning, and we are stuck in place until it clears.   When we arrive in the village, we are told the Bear clan took some men from them to the Evermelt, in league with the Snow Witch.   We have to camp on the way, but are about half way to the Evermelt (a sacred site, an oasis of warmth, a hot-spring, walled off from the weather). Iceingdeath's old lair would be beyond the springs.   We engage them with Elk tribe warriors at the springs, we take some good hits on the way in but survive to engage them at the top. A bloody victory!

Session Four

The group feels that dealing with Slim is a waste of time, so we fill in the Sherriff. Speaker Shane could overrule the "evidence" and the conviction, if we can talk to her. We meet with her, Duvessa Shane, a well kept noble of a woman. We bring up the barbarian and the issues with the testimony. We will take him out of the town; prove the Snow Witch story. We get a note that should allow us to free him with no issues.   We take his personal effects and go pick him up. Sherriff Markham's man leaves the man's weapons to us, then informs the other guards to let the prisoner go. He is very thankful and wants us to talk to his King. Some of us stay a cramped night in Robin's place, others at the inn.   Keldon's Cairn is also kind of on the way, so we will talk to Helda Silverstream about her trip and gear up. BUT overnight there is a green fireball engulfing a building. The warehouse is leveled, but takes no other buildings with it, Alchemists' fire. No course can be sorted at this time.   We meet Helda Silverstream with Hengar and gather the party, noting our layover in the Cairn to Hengar, and that we will move into the Dwarf Valley as soon as we leave. The Ice/Snow Witch has been making an already bad harvest year harder. She leads beasts to attack, constantly. When struck with a sword she vanished into the storm, and returned days later.   The Black Ice might be somehow related to the undead or the Dwarves having a schism between groups following Baerick Hammerstone or Stokely Silverstream? A dwarf merchant had a few Black Ice items in town, Barnabas buys an amulet made of the material. The merchant also warns of the way in being, er, fallen under the control of Baerick, and we may need the amulet to get past him, a mark of "kinship" if you will.   Pass through 3 Flags Sailing in Targos on way to Termalaine. About 6-7 hours total pass., we may want to stay here overnight. The Eastside seems to be a good place to stop over.

Session Three

Aftermath of some of the Yeti breaking into town.   A man, Rierdon the apothecary, wants us to help him retrieve a debt from Slim for protection money for half its value, plus discounts in his wares. Guard says a barbarian, tribe of the Elk, recently entered town and they must be related to the Yeti attack; currently tied up by the guard. A Dwarf wants to travel go to find some Black Ice that was discovered.   We approach the barbarian, who is being ill treated by the towns folk. Hengar Aesnvaard, his people are also being attacked by the Snow Witch. Alcott was a shop owner that blamed him for theft to get him locked up. His tribe is located North a few days past the end of the ten towns.   We track down Alcott, a textile merchant, who is the accuser of the barbarian. It is her lockbox that went missing, and she believes it was a large fair skinned man who did it. Funny enough, Slim also fits this build. We head to the Northlook to follow up on, now two threads that point to Slim. We go upstairs to meet him, and he decides to attack us, as we witness him post-murder. Slim takes a beating and bails out the window before we can deal with him. So we need to fight his minions.   Slim might be able to shapeshift into a rat, as the only thing we find is rat tracks leaving the area. A note is found on the dead body, "Aarun: Problems have arisen. Please meet me at the Northlook to discuss. ~ Mithann".  

Session Two

We arrive at Brinshander. The caravan at the gates comes under another attack, Yetis! Bjorn commands us to hold them back as waves of them launch themselves at us; then their leaders, Ancient Yetis, the big boys. They push us back into the gate, as more in the distance push forward. A humanoid being with antlers moves forward with them. After a struggle with the gates, a mass of dead yeti, some fiery spheres, and two large braces we get the doors locked up. It's a mess in here now, bodies, wreckage. These things were ravenous but focused on damage, not us.

Session One

We are on a caravan north...   On the caravan: Aldo Fetcher (Male, Human) - Merchant, Beorne Steelstrike (Male, Dwarf) - Caravan Leader, Helda Silverstream (Female, Dwarf) - Guard   Lore: "Akar Kessell was a young apprentice of the Arcane Brotherhood. After murdering his mentor, he was abandoned in Icewind Dale by his fellow wizards, who had manipulated him into committing the crime. On the brink of freezing to death on the ice-covered slopes of the Spine of the World, Kessell stumbled upon Crenshinibon, the Crystal Shard—an evil artifact that took control of the wizard and gave him incredible power. Wielding the shard, Kessell created a magical tower, Cryshal-Tirith, in its likeness. He raised an army of savage humanoids from the Spine of the World and threatened to conquer Ten-Towns before he was stopped by an alliance of the people of Ten-Towns and the Reghed tribes. Of course, the aid of Drizzt Do’Urden and his companions—Bruenor Battlehammer; Wulfgar, son of Beornegar, of the Elk Tribe; the halfling Regis; and Catti-brie—was invaluable in stopping Akar Kessell."   We may be on the final day of the caravan if we push hard today toward Brinshander. A gentle snow starts to fall as we pass into a dangerous strip of land where animals hunt. Giant predatory cats. One jumps into the back of the caravan, taking out one wagon. Time to earn some pay. We need to figure out how to load a collapsed wagon OR push on before the snow fill in. We stay to help the stranded merchant, risking both being caught in the snow and leaving the rest of the caravan without more guards. We JUST make it in loading the wagon and getting caught up with every one else.


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