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Stokely Silverstream

Dain of the Dwarven Valley

Since arriving in Icewind Dale as a lad, the longtime leader of the dwarves of Kelvin’s Cairn has become one of the oldest residents of the valley. Stokely Silverstream has the mountain in his bones, say the dwarves—a comment on his age and his uncanny knack for navigating the mountain’s depths, a skill that has enriched the Battlehammer clan over the years as Stokely has unearthed new lodes in the old mines.

But now the discovery of zombies—dead dwarves animated by necromancy—in the mines has eroded the dwarves’ confidence in Stokely’s leadership. Some have blamed him for the attacks, accusing Stokely of pushing too far into the mountain too fast and placing the miners in danger. Others have charged Stokely with being too timid in the face of the attacks. Normally, such talk would bring rebukes from the clan members who have prospered under Stokely’s leadership—but the taint of the black ice, which is prevalent in the valley, has made the usually level-headed dwarves short-tempered and quick to find fault with one another. Few of them are cognizant of the change in their behavior, and no one knows the true reason for it.

The situation has recently come to a head in a schism that has erupted in the valley. On one side is Baerick Hammerstone, one of the first to discover the black ice, and other dwarves who have succumbed to its influence. On the other side is Stokely, with dwarves who have not yet given in to its evil. Each side has its soldiers, and the schism could turn into a full-fledged civil war.


In his position as leader of the Clan Battlehammer dwarves, Stokely sometimes met with various humans, including Darby Snide, at a tavern in Bremen.

Stokely was apparently killed in 1484 DR by Tiago Baenre during the Battle of Kelvin's Cairn when Tiago's forces attacked Clan Battlehammer. in truth he remained prisoner of the House Xorlarrin until 1485 DR when was freed after the dwarven victory in the War of the Silver Marches.

Since arriving in Icewind Dale as a lad, the longtime leader of the dwarves of Kelvin’s Cairn has become one of the oldest residents of the valley. Stokely Silverstream has the mountain in his bones, say the dwarves—a comment on his age and his uncanny knack for navigating the mountain’s depths, a skill that has enriched the Battlehammer clan over the years as Stokely has unearthed new lodes in the old mines.

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