Kryptgarden Forest Building / Landmark in Toril | World Anvil
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Kryptgarden Forest

  Kryptgarden Forest, also known as Tsordvudd, was a small but ancient and foreboding forest on the Sword Coast North in northwest Faerûn and one of the so-called the Moonwoods of the North. It was a site that once housed long-lost realms of the elves and dwarves.  


It was an old-growth forest and local humans knew little of what lay within as of the mid-1300s DR.   Kryptgarden was a hilly woodland was covered in a thick layer of foul-smelling fog. Parts of the wood had an unexplained reddish hue about the forest floor and the bases of the trees in the late 1400s DR.   The forest contained many ruins of bygone dwarven civilizations.

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