Melvaunt Settlement in Toril | World Anvil
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Melvaunt (/ˈmɛlvɒnt/ MELL-vont)

Melvaunt, also known as the City of Swords, was a frontier city that sat on the northern coast of the Moonsea, in the Moonsea North region of north Faerûn. It was a city of smithing and mercantile services, as well as factories serving as the port of entry to many travelers coming to the region.  


Melvaunt was a cold and severe city, beneath the oppressive clouds of heavy smoke that constantly billowed from its many manufactories. Beneath the smoke in the sky and fog that came up from the sea, Melvaunt appeared as if were lit by several hundred points of light. These lights were actually the fires of city' great many forges and Realms-renowned smithies that continued to produce weapons during all hours. There was no natural vegetation found within the walls of the great industrial city, and it reeked with the stench of burning coal and molten slag. While either of these facts were unpleasant enough, their combination created an atmosphere ever-pervasive gloom and misery.   The city was was home to a select few noble families, each of whom exerted their control over the city's ruling council, forming a delicate web of social rivalries and political intrigue.
Alternative Name(s)
City of Swords
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under

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