Mulmaster Settlement in Toril | World Anvil
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Mulmaster (/ˈməlmɑːstɛr/ MUHL-mah-ster)

Mulmaster, also known as the City of Danger, was an independent city-state found in the harsh Moonsea region of north Faerûn. While Mulmaster controlled no land beyond its city walls for much of its history, it remained an indominable fortress extolling imperialist ideals, standing among the greatest powers that imposed its will over the surrounding settlements and city-states.  


While it was a bustling and lively metropolis, Mulmaster exemplified the worst consequences that arose when merciless commercial enterprise and unchecked greed took hold throughout a populace. It was a corrupt, crime-ridden place that was just as unpleasant to walk through – due to the sickening smell of rotting fish and molten slag – as it was to try and eke out a life for oneself. The stench was worst in the city's Docks Quarter, as waste and refuse literally "rolled down hill" from its sewers, down the docks and into Mulmaster Bay.   Built within the depression formed by an arc of overbearing peaks, the city's buildings and winding streets stretched on a slant down towards the harbor. The buildings nearest the docks were the most dilapidated and dangerous, full of poverty and rife with crime. Further up towards the city's walls were the more affluent areas of the city, set along the mountainside, imposing their will over the rest of Mulmaster.   Even the seabed of the harbor was demonstrative of the corruption that gripped on Mulmaster, as it was literally an underwater boneyard for all those that dared cross the ruling High Blade.  


Like other cities in the region, Mulmaster had to endure the harsh and unforgiving climate that permeated the Moonsea. It was a city besieged on all sides, by the freezing winds that came down from the surrounding mountain slopes and icy gale storms that buffeted its walls from the Moonsea lake.
Alternative Name(s)
City of Danger
Inhabitant Demonym
Mulmasterite, Mulman

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