Myth Drannor Settlement in Toril | World Anvil
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Myth Drannor (/kɔːrˈmɑːnθɔːr/ kor-MANTH-or)

  Myth Drannor, formerly known as the city of Cormanthor, the City of Song, or the City of Love among other names, was the former capital city Cormanthyr in the forest of Cormanthor. It was considered by many to be the pinnacle of shared knowledge, culture, and civilization in Faerûn, as well a beacon of serenity and solidarity in the chaotic Realms.   For hundreds of years after the Weeping War, Myth Drannor languished as fiend-infested ruins. After hundreds of years the city was reclaimed by the elves of Evermeet in the late 14th century DR. It enjoyed a century-long renaissance, before falling to ruin once more.  


The stone towers of Myth Drannor were predominantly tall and graceful in appearance, though some of those used by wizards took the shape of fantastic creatures or forms found in nature. The "naturally-grown" structures of wood and plant life, formed by the Oacil'Quevan ritual of complement, were among the most breath-taking in all the Realms.   Cobbled streets wound through the city, running in-between the ground-level buildings of elven design and picturesque glades and city parks. Embedded within the roads were markers for the levitation pillars, shafts of magical energy that could lift an individual to the skybridges and elegant treetop dwellings set within the canopy of Cormanthor.   There was an expansive set of Dwarven Dungeons that ran underneath Myth Drannor, that was inter-connected with many of the subterranean dwellings that were built by the city's non-elven residents.  


As per its name, Myth Drannor partly defined by its protective mythal that was raised by the under the guidance and leadership of the legendary spellcaster Mythanthar. While the mythal's made the lives of its citizens more safe and convenient during its existence, and even held secret powers known only to its creators. Following its destruction, the mythal leaked magical energy that greatly affected the ruins and the surrounding forest of Cormanthor, in regions that came to be referred to as "Edgelands".   Magical enhancements were prevalent throughout Myth Drannor to the point of being excessive. The city's skyways were illuminated by subtle magic fields of light resembling that reflected by the moon and spellfields that functioned for its citizens' amusement. The villas of elven nobles eschewed the use of "normal" glass, preferring theurglass that could be altered by mere touch.   The excessive use of High magic and portals in the city, combined with the actual mythal itself, weakened the "planar fabric" of the region, granting easier access to other planes of existence and crystal spheres. Most notable among these were the Feywild, the lower planes, the demiplane of Dread, along with the planet Krynn. Myth Drannan portals linked the city to other destinations such as the portal nexus referred to as Abarat's folly, located within his namesake tower in the Moonsea, the warrior's gate connected to the kingdom of Delimbiyran, and most importantly, the Gate Halls nexus that link the castles of the all the great elven kingdoms. The Silversgate connected Myth Drannor to Eaerlann, while the Honorsgate led to the Forest of Mir in Tethyr.  


The dwarves of the House of Gems established a complex network of underground pumps, called Lifespring Wells, that provided its citizens with a reliable source of fresh water, and many of the city's beautiful fountains guarded by naiads. Among other wonders of technology created by the city's dwarves was the sophisticated air vent systems that ran through all the levels of the Dwarven Dungeons and the House of Gems itself, called the Channels of the Earthborn Wind; the many winding walkways around the Castle Cormanthor and Windrider Glade; as well as the ingenious "liquid fire", used to illuminate the Dwarven Dungeons and Elven Catacombs and other city districts.

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