Session 1

General Summary

Session 1 (28-04-2024)

Starting in the city of Neverwinter in the Twinned Wyvern Inn, the adventurers me. Fa-Medve, a human man playing a viola on the stage and leaving some coin on the floor. Torold, a human male clad in armour getting drunk at bar. Edrenyss, a Half-Elven woman brooding at a table. Reshy, a Half-Orc with a spectral bird looking for a place to sleep. Artigar, an Elf with a strange bone mask. Lastly, Trix, a Gnome jumpy because he's on the run.

A short time later Gundren Rockseeker, a Dwarf who discovered an ancient cave filled with riches, offered a quest to bring supplies to the mining town of Phandalin. They will receive 50 gp per person upon delivery of the goods at Barthen's Supplies. He promises more adventure and riches exploring this ancient cave.

The party accepted and partied for the night. Torold and Artigar went out to seek the tender attentions of some courtesans at a brothel adjacent to the docks. Stories were swapped and the others got drunk and feasted.

Meeting up with their employers in the morning they ventured forth and on the second day Gundren and his friend Sildar Hallwinter went out ahead to scout the trail and look for traps and ambushes. The keen eyed ranger managed to discover a Goblin Ambush on the road although a confused party member stumbled out on the road collecting arrows starting combat.

Quickly dispatching the Goblins the adventurers discover a hidden trail and spot a fleeing Goblin. Going in pursuit, Edryness leading the way, they manage to skillfully evade traps and discover a cave leading into the hills.

They fight and kill the sentries at the entrance of the cave and make their way inside. Deciding to ignore the wolfs in the eastern side they go down a narrow tunnel to face off with a menacing Goblin. Interrogating him didn't reveal any information on the whereabouts of the Dwarf and his friend.

The Goblin refers to himself as Yeemik and in halting Common asks the party if they will kill boss Klarg so he himself can become boss. Now the party must decide whether to fight or to accept Yeemik's request.

Report Date
01 May 2024


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